]]>i’ve tried going through two different key pairings, as well as a host of other variables with no luck.
it had previously been resetting all the fields but i (in desperation) tried using my aws access key in place of the private key and for some reason it let me save with that (dysfunctional) arrangement.
any ideas?
]]>I am a bit worried because in the (s2member—general options—membership profile modification–redirect members away from the default profile panel?), I selected “Yes-redirect to login welcome page; locking all /wp-admin/areas” which is the s2 member recommended setting. Could this be a contributor?
]]>to list a search form and the items in the library. The items appear in the default sort order, which is by barcode. I would like to change the default sort order to author. I saw the weblib_orderby option, and I tried putting weblib_orderby=author in the weblib-searchform entry and in the weblib_itemlist entry, but it doesn’t change anything. I still get my items in barcode order. Please help.
Thank you,
]]>When I tried to add new item to collection, I got warning and fatal error as below:
Warning: _() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in D:\xampp\htdocs\[foldername]\wp-content\plugins\weblibrarian\includes\WEBLIB_Collection_Admin.php on line 652
Fatal error: Call to undefined function nl_langinfo() in D:\xampp\htdocs\[foldername]\wp-content\plugins\weblibrarian\includes\WEBLIB_Patrons_Admin.php on line 416
Why does it happen? and how to solve it?
Also, I have a suggestion, how if you set the publish date to not having to have complete date as there are many books that only have publish year?
]]>I just tried importing a test collection (barcode, title, author, subject, description, in that order, as the user manual suggests).
The bulk import function actually requires a ‘type’ field… my description entries were mis-mapped into the ‘type’ field for the database.
Needing a ‘type’ field is documented in the contextual help for the bulk import page, but it’s not in the user manual.
*Also, I can’t seem to get Web Librarian’s bulk delete function to work and have been erasing my test uploads one entry at a time… *
Thanks for supporting the plugin so well. I think it’s going to be a perfect fit for us, once we can get past the initial hurdles of entering the collection correctly.
Thank you for your support.