Completely randomly, it will “glitch”. During said glitch, it will eliminate the drop down menu that allows you to choose subscription length (supposed to be a second one, above the drop down for shirt size, that can be seen in the Supporting_Listing_Page attachment) as well as change the price to only the monthly rate. As far as we or the two outside developers we have had look at this can tell, the “time” it happens is completely random.
In order to continue with sales, we have been having to patch it, usually daily. The process for patching has been attached, can be sent via email, and as simply as can be put, is: Basic steps:
Step 1: Backup site on GoDaddy Account
Step 2: Update WooCommerce Database in site/WordPress Admin
Doing that patch reverts the website and everything in it back to functioning properly, at least from everything we have seen.
The goal is to stop this from happening. We are going to get rid of the monthly option anyways, so having that be part of the solution is more than OK.
]]>benutzt jemand auch das Plugin “Web Directory 2.0” von Shamalli?
Ich würde gerne Standort-Basierte Werbung einblenden aufgrund von Tags und Bundesland. Das hei?t mir ist das Suchergebnis bzw. der Eintrag wichtig welcher gerade angehen wird, nicht die aktuelle Position des Besuchers.
Die Funktionen “Anzeige-Bedingungen” hat hier leider keine Funktion. Die Kategorien, Tags und Bundesl?nder werden gefunden, wenn man diese aber ausw?hlt wird die Werbung nicht mehr angezeigt. Das betrifft alle Platzierungen, au?er wenn der Short-Code direkt im Eintrag vorhanden ist. Wenn die Werbung im Footer / Header / Sidebar / etc. angezeigt werden soll, ist die nicht einmal im Quellcode zu finden.
Hat jemand auch dieses Problem? Liegt das evtl. am Theme (The7)?
Freue mich über jede Rückmeldung. Vielen Dank.
Beste Grü?e Tobias Heintschel
Hello everybody,
does anyone also use Shamalli’s Web Directory 2.0 plug-in?
I would like to show location-based advertising based on tags and state. This means that the search result or the entry that is currently being addressed is important to me, not the current position of the visitor.
The “display conditions” function has no function here. The categories, tags and federal states are found, but if you select these, the advertising is no longer displayed. This affects all placements, except if the short code is directly in the entry. If the advertisement is to be displayed in the footer / header / sidebar / etc., it cannot even be found in the source code.
Does anyone have this problem too? Could this be due to the theme (The7)?
I appreciate every feedback. Many Thanks.
Best regards Tobias Heintschel
]]>Also, I want to confirm that I won’t need to purchase WooCommerce’s subscription service to handle automatically recurring paid subscriptions for paid directory listings — that I only need PayPal. If so, that’s a big advantage of your plugin vs. your competitors, as the plugins I am comparing yours to all require WooCommerce’s subscription service for $199 USD per year. If yours doesn’t that, of course, automatically lowers your customer’s cost by $199USD a year.
]]>I sell banners by keyword or category, for example: my customer Erick has a dog pet business so he buys the banner for pet and dog keywords, it means that every time that an user look for pet or dog or both key words I have to show all the listings that have those keywords and I have to show a mini banner in the topp of the list with Erick’s banner (image). Is there a plugin that allow me to do that or what is the best way to implement this?
]]>I use your plugin in combination with the Web 2.0 directory plugin here: (list view)
I used it to be able to search through even more fields from the directory plugin.
The order of the list changes to random order everytime I reload the page.
There is an option to sort the common list view randomly in the directory plugin.
But it doesn’t work in combination with the search function.
If I click on ?Suchen“ (=Search) on the page above I get the same results every time I search for the same category (or search word).
The directory plugin uses the native wordpress search function, so I fear the developer can’t (won’t) manipulate the order of the search results list.
Is there a way for you to (easily) tweak your Extended Search plugin so that one could get a randomly sorted results list?
Thanks in advance!
]]>I am desperately looking for a free directory plugin to add to a buddypress community site, but it’s no easy challenge as most of those available have some key feature(s) missing or have not been updated for a long time, etc.
This one is promising as the fields it has are the ones I need and it has the Gmap functionality available.
I noted however after adding a local address (Germany) with the area Zip code, which on other Gmaps (plugins) is sufficient to locate a place, that this was missing at the frontend. When I then edited the “This is your first listing” & removed the lat & lon info & corrected the physical address, this info was also missing at the frontend, implying the Gmap & address are only shown IF lon & lat are included! However, where would users get these values from and why is not possible for the Gmap, like in other Gmap plugins to do with just the street address & Zip? Most users are NOT that web savvy AT ALL … or do not understand English, etc.
– all the 3 sites I included have no maps.
German addresses & those of neighboring countries are in the form:
Dortmunder Stra?e 20
68723 Schwetzingen
#2 Is there anyway to include/embed the map ON PAGE for a given item/listing without it having to be in a new pop-up page AND is there a way to make the ITEM link at the frontend open in SAME page & NOT a separate page?
On the same ITEM page, it would be great if the website was included as well.
#3 Is there at least any screenshot or live sites showing the frontend of the default frontpage ([display_listings show_paging=1] ?) appearance options? … or is there something better?
Actually, the directory is supposed to eventually have possibly a few thousand links under dozens of categories. I thought the frontend would have a list of categories, a bit like at from which one can access subcategories of different levels, which then have individual sites.
Is this option there & if NOT does this one give an overview of at least the MAIN categories on the frontpage or one has to navigate probably to many pages to get an overview of MANY DOZEN categories? I currently have 3 sites in different categories/subcategories previewed on the frontpage, but if I had links in 30 different categories? Would the “overview” mean moving from page to page to just find out which categories/subcategories are there?
#4. Is it possible to customize submission form text, say to German & if so where can I do this or is there an existing translation … or is this only for the US, …?
Some form labels (titles) need to have text changed for it to make sense, like “Item Information” [it might be hard for some people to know what is expected here] or “Location information”, etc. I am NOT a programmer, but if I new exactly which script has this text, I can try to change it, since many people do not necessarily understand English. Of course a German translation of BePro Listings would be better, if there is any …
#5. It seems the telephone field on user submission form only expects phones in US format. I could not include numbers in locally acceptable formats AT THE FRONTEND, though I could edit this as admin & include this at the BACKEND.
#6. If “Contact” is included in Options, Names seem to be compulsory. In case of organization or businesses, this is always not necessary to include these (whose?) or names might not be available at all, but just the business or institution’s name. Is there any way around this?
Also I noted the phone number is connected to names under Contacts & if you disable this, no business phone is shown …
#7. If one is listing different types of sites, the “Cost” field can be quite awkward. I have some associations, schools, shops selling different goods with “Cost – Free”, anyway to deal with this? The First Name & Last Name fields – it would be good if there was an option not to have them shown at all without jeopardizing the appearance of a business/institution’s email/phone.
Cost – Free
First Name –
Last Name –
Email – [email protected]
Phone – 0791 900001
I know these are a number of questions and some issues may have no quick solutions, BUT I would be grateful to get a response to all, however short & I would appreciate solutions, including those involving some little customization of code, if I am told which one, for someone with very BASIC programming skills, like editing form labels & a couple of others.
It took weeks of repeated searching using usual search terms, like “web directory”, “link directory” but never found your script, but others & just found it more or less accidentally via, plugins. I am quite sure with some additional tags, your plugin would do much better in plugin search results.
I am quite with a couple of modifications, it would be the very best free directory script. One of the options would of course be being able to add custom fields, like tel, fax or email, etc.
Kind regards
]]>I did this: Installed the plugin
I expected the plugin to do this: I expected the images related to the plugin to display correctly
Instead it did this:
Instead of the images/css having the correct path they are somehow trying to load the images the the actual file path on my server instead of the path to my web directory.
This is how it should look –
Instead I get this –
It also does this for the CSS files etc. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I host this on my own server so I have terminal access if needed.
]]>I seek help for the WP site that I am currently developing.
I just want a simple one that has these:
1. A registration page, where my users are required to enter their blog URL.
2. My homepage showing the most recent blogposts linked to the member’s blog site.
3. a page that has the top blog rankings.
I would need simple widgets to:
1. each member can vote each other’s blog post
2. each member can follow each other’s blogs.
I have been trying to figure this out in the past two weeks, but I would always have to start from scratch.
Thank you so much.