Once the sync finishes and API calls stop, everything returns back to normal until the next one.
When I disable Redis Object Cache, while I can still see the API calls are using up a lot of server resources, the frontend is barely affected and pages load for customers pretty much as fast as they usually do.
I understand that the root issue isn’t your plugin but what’s going on when the API calls are triggered, but I just can’t wrap my head around why the frontend is so badly affected when Redis Object Cache is active. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated as I’ve been pulling my hair out for over a week trying to resolve this.
Here’s my diagnostics screen:
Status: Connected Client: PhpRedis (v5.3.7) Drop-in: Valid Disabled: No Ping: 1 Errors: [] PhpRedis: 5.3.7 Relay: Not loaded Predis: 2.1.2 Credis: Not loaded PHP Version: 8.0.30 Plugin Version: 2.4.4 Redis Version: 3.2.12 Multisite: No Metrics: Enabled Metrics recorded: 2572 Filesystem: Working Global Prefix: “wp347_” Blog Prefix: “wp347_” WP_REDIS_TIMEOUT: 5 WP_REDIS_READ_TIMEOUT: 5 WP_REDIS_RETRY_INTERVAL: 50 WP_REDIS_PLUGIN_PATH: “/home/username/public_html/wp-content/plugins/redis-cache” Global Groups: [ “blog-details”, “blog-id-cache”, “blog-lookup”, “global-posts”, “networks”, “rss”, “sites”, “site-details”, “site-lookup”, “site-options”, “site-transient”, “users”, “useremail”, “userlogins”, “usermeta”, “user_meta”, “userslugs”, “redis-cache”, “blog_meta”, “network-queries”, “site-queries”, “user-queries”, “woo_variation_swatches” ] Ignored Groups: [ “counts”, “plugins”, “themes”, “theme_json”, “wordfence”, “wordfence-ls” ] Unflushable Groups: [] Groups Types: { “blog-details”: “global”, “blog-id-cache”: “global”, “blog-lookup”: “global”, “global-posts”: “global”, “networks”: “global”, “rss”: “global”, “sites”: “global”, “site-details”: “global”, “site-lookup”: “global”, “site-options”: “global”, “site-transient”: “global”, “users”: “global”, “useremail”: “global”, “userlogins”: “global”, “usermeta”: “global”, “user_meta”: “global”, “userslugs”: “global”, “redis-cache”: “global”, “counts”: “ignored”, “plugins”: “ignored”, “themes”: “ignored”, “blog_meta”: “global”, “network-queries”: “global”, “site-queries”: “global”, “user-queries”: “global”, “theme_json”: “ignored”, “wordfence”: “ignored”, “wordfence-ls”: “ignored”, “woo_variation_swatches”: “global” } Drop-ins: [ “advanced-cache.php v by “, “maintenance.php v by “, “Redis Object Cache Drop-In v2.4.4 by Till Krüss” ]
Thanks in advance
I am in contact with plugin developer and we didn’t find solution for this. He told me, that this is not issue with his plugin, problem is with wc-api. I created local WooCommerce installation with same exact information I used to connect to live payment gateway and it worked in this test operation. Also I instaled all same plugins and theme as I use in live website and it still worked. So I figured that it is not problem with gateway or plugin. Something is blocking wc-api and it didn’t correctly redirect to gateway.
Can you please help me with this? I already lost 2 weeks of my time and it drives me crazy.
Plugins used to integrate payment gateway, which are only available to download in gateway admin not on www.remarpro.com.
WooCommerce GPWebPayGpe: Miroslav Novak www.platiti.cz –
Platiti UniAdapter plugin: Miroslav Novak www.platiti.cz –
Thanks a lot for help.
]]>We’ve spoken to Global payments ho say there is a configuration problem our end with Woocommerce or related security setting, in particular the return url
Dev tools shows:
Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
User sees this message: Your transaction has been successful but there was a problem connecting back to the merchant’s web site. Please contact the merchant and advise them that you received this error message.
Payment is taken, but order shows as Pending Payment.
Any help greatly appreciated.
How can i make api (like: “wc/v3/payment_gateways”) response the locale of user?
I have LOCO translate, and pass “lang=” parameter and did not work..
]]>Please help me. I’ve implemented 2Checkout gateway integration for Credit Card payment, with the help of 2Checkout support guys, using the official 2Checkout plugins for Woocommerce.
The problem is: despite the payments are processed correctly and confirmed by 2Checkout, when the IPN is send to Woocomerce the order stays as ‘Processing’ instead of ‘completed’. Since the products I sell are virtual and downloadable, all orders must be marked as completed after a successfull payment.
I talked to 2Checkout guys and they said this:
It seems that while we do send the IPNs accordingly, WooCommerce is not responding fast enough to acknowledge receipt of the IPN, and as such this causes inconsistencies with order synchronization.
In order for us to further troubleshoot this behavior, we would need some order logs from WooCommerce in which we can see how the IPN requests are handled.
Kindly reach out to WooCommerce for them to provide you with some logs from their backend and forward them to us.
Can you please help me with his matter?
We need IPN logs from December 23 and 24.
2Checkout plugins are sending IPN to wc-api.
This is the address:
Thanks in advance,
Kind Regards,
Hernan Rodenstein.
I’m getting this error after making my payments with PayPal Checkout (Smart Payment Buttons).
This is the link that i’m sent after making my payment www.mydomain/wc-api/Woo_PayPal_Gateway_PayPal_Checkout_Rest/?pp_action=display_order_page&utm_nooverride=1&orderID=*************&payment_id=********************
Is there anything i have forgot to add. Thankyou
Invalid signature – provided signature does not match.
I need to help.
]]>How to correctly add these exclusion rules to WPFC?
Thank you in advance