If I purchase the premium version, is it possible to do the following: When selecting 20 mins delay, can I make the time not count for the off hours?
Example: I want 2 hours of lunch, as off time. And I want each service to have a distance of 20 mins, but I want the 20 mins not to be contacted when they enter the lunch hour.
So if I have lunch from 14:30 pm to 16:30 pm and I get a 2 hour appointment at 12:30 am, I want the system to be able to schedule it. But I’m afraid he won’t be able to and will only make the time available until 12:10.
]]>We notice that when we purge all caches and prime the cache for a select set of pages, when we next test those pages (using Pingdom), on the first test the wait time is longer. On subsequent tests it’s a bit faster.
Is there additional caching that is generated the first time a page is requested after purging/priming? So that the first request would be slower?
It looks like the big performance hit is coming every time WordPress bootstraps. So when our page subsequently requests admin-ajax.php, for example, we see similar wait times. Currently we have database caching disabled. Do you think enabling it could improve WordPress’s bootstrapping performance?
]]>See https://prntscr.com/nbyfor
When disabling the Link Fixer option the issue is fixed.
PHP 7.2.x
Nginx 1.15.11
I tried to access my page from different PCs and different phones. The speed varies a lot over the trials. Sometimes it loads immediately, sometimes after 20 seconds.
– The hosting provider is Strato, a German hosting company with shared hosting
– The page is optimized with WP Rocket (nearly everything available in this plugin).
– I use Cloudflare in its free version.
– The page uses SSL and cookies from Facebook and Google.
– SSL is redirected with ?Really Simple SSL“ and ?Enable 301 .htacces redirect“ is activated.
– All my images are compressed.
– My page is visited not very often (maybe 5 – 20 times per day).
Can anyone of you guess the source of the super slow loading time? Could it be my provider, a plugin, the cookies, SSL or anything completely different?
It’s clear from some googling that a lot of people have this issue as well, but I can’t see a solution anywhere. I don’t have any caching so that can’t be the issue.
]]>Love the plugin!
In checking pingdom we are very slow. Part of it seems to be based on the following:
We get a consistent wait time of between 2.45 and 3 seconds – is this a supercache setting issue or???
Any ideas would be most appreciated.
Many thanks!
]]>Is this an issue?
]]>First of all, sorry if I did not post this in the correct place. I’m new to this stuff. Second, my main language is not English so sorry if my grammar is bad
My website https://checko.nl has a huge load time sometimes over 20 seconds, on websites like pingdom and gtmetrix is shows a lot of wait/blocking time.
I use a other server for testing because i don’t want my website to go down. On the test server I tried everything i can find, reducing the requests, minifying, caching and everything else.
Atleast it’s not a server problem because on the test server the website is slow as well…
I didn’t create the theme myself and i’m not experienced with that so i thought maybe thats could be related? If this isn’t the case maybe you guys know what the problem could be and maybe even a solution.
Any help would be really appreciated,
If I did not give enough information please let me know!
I tracked the problem to Woocommerce stalling the whole tree of downloads in the network inspector. The big culprits are:
/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/css/woocommerce-layout.css?ver=2.4.10 and /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/frontend/woocommerce.min.js?ver=2.4.10
Sometimes It also stalls on the jQuery version, whcih is also weird since I am running my own jQuery file from the Google library.
Anything I can do to remove this weird delay? All other tests turn up fine, just the waiting till the woocommerce assets are loading.
Thanks in advance. the site is www.degeldfabriek.nl if you realod with Control + R you will soon see the problem (usually a blank yellow screen or a time-out).