1. due to the customer’s love for WYSIWYG, when creating landing pages, I have to correct errors in the W3C validation in your plugin.
there are a lot of them … I fix most, but how to handle this without changing the plugin code:
“Section lacks heading. Consider using h2-h6 elements to add identifying headings to all sections.”
“<section class = “elementor-element elementor-element-a71bdf4 elementor-section-full_width elementor-s … ight-default elementor-section elementor-top-section” data-id = “a71bdf4” data-element_type = “section”>”
replacing section with div? How?
2. I already have HTML markup, but your plugin says:
var elementorFrontendConfig = {“environmentMode”:{“edit”:false,”wpPreview”:false} …..
How to remove this duplication? Why are you doing this ???
3. Discover for yourself: Theme Neve, Elementor……
WP Version 4.8
Mac OS 10.12.6
Home Page: https://izteremka.com/
I have installed the latest version of Meta Slider.
When activated I get two (2) W3C errors.
They are as follows:
1. Error: No p element in scope but a p end tag seen.
From line 2499, column 2109; to line 2499, column 2112
2. Error: Element style not allowed as child of element body in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
From line 2528, column 108; to line 2528, column 126
;</script><style media=”all”>.flex-
Contexts in which element style may be used:
Where metadata content is expected.
In a noscript element that is a child of a head element.
In the body, where flow content is expected.
Content model for element body:
Flow content.
When I deactivate Meta Slider the W3C errors go away.
I tried to edit the Meta Slider file, but I could not locate the string.
I need help to correct this problem.
Thanks in advance.
]]>is it possible to ged rif of the few W3C errors when wise chat is active?
Maybe this can be fixed in an upcoming update?
Error: Bad value javascript:// for attribute href on element a: missing } after function body
Error: Element style not allowed as child of element aside in this context. (Suppressing further errors from this subtree.)
best regards, Frank
]]>Can someone tell me what the web start kit does? Github
If you can explain it to a 3rd grader I think I’ll understand you. haha
If you think there’s another program that is easier to use, please let me know. Any kind of help would really be appreciated. Thank you!
]]>(sorry my english is bad )
I have a problem with W3c Validator for the Subscribe Form of Mailchimp.
I have try to do some thing, after some research on google, but without success……
The code is :
<label>Email Address:</label>
<input required=”required” placeholder=”Seu email ” name=”EMAIL” type=”email”>
<label>First Name:</label>
<input placeholder=”Seu nome” name=”FNAME” type=”text”>
<input value=”Subscribe” type=”submit”>
And W3c find 2 errors :
Attribute required is only allowed when the input type is checkbox, date, datetime, datetime-local, e-mail, file, month, number, password, radio, search, tel, text, time, url, or week.
… <input required=”required” placeholder=”Seu email ” name=”EMAIL” type=”email”>
Attribute placeholder is only allowed when the input type is e-mail, number, password, search, tel, text, or url.
… <input required=”required” placeholder=”Seu email ” name=”EMAIL” type=”email”>
]]>I’m using and here’s the site I’m talking about: wingedariela.com.
The other day it seems that Easing Slider deactivated itself out of nowhere. I was relieved though that, after I reactivated it, all the images were still in place. Neither I or my client believe that we were in the plugin area of the WP Dashboard to inadvertently deactivate.
Today I checked the W3C validator and I get 65 errors coming from Easing Slider (home page of https://wingedariela.com ).
Could you advise me how to get rid of these errors?
]]>Is there a plugin that will allow the functionality to simply copy and paste the “html cleanup and markup” tool data? Or is there another way to eradicate these errors with ease as I am not coming from a coding mind..
Many thanks
]]>I have around 26 errors in each of my posts. They are basically the same errors in each post, so I think there must be a pattorn and if I solve the errors in one post I could solve the others.
I have deactivated all my plugins and I still got the errors.
Do you know what other options I have? what to do next? How could I solve them?
This is the link to the validator page:
Thank you very much,