How much is it and where do I purchase the FormsCRM Pro.
Will it integrate FREE Contact Form 7 with Self Hoster (FREE) VTiger 7.1
Please reply promptly.
Ignatius Ackermann
* The end users reside in Vtiger, not in WordPress. I can pass the email address to wordpress already. But wordpress needs to email the URL to the email address that is contained in the post it receives.
Anyone? Any idea how to accomplish this?
]]>I am using cforms2 to get leads into my vtiger crm, which works perfectly fine.
But I would like to still send out a mail confirmation to the user – is that possible when cforms2 is used just as a frontend form? Unfortunately I can’t get it to work.
Thanks in advance!
Best Regards,
i have checked the box to redirect into a specific webpage but it doesn′t work !!!
]]>First it was posting to and had no problem.
Now i had to change the posting address to but it does not work
I can assure that it’s not a port issue as i’m using the same url in a html page to post the same form fields. All other methods i use to send data to that url work fine.
Is it an issue within the plugin managing the 888 port?
I really want to use the plugin because i can use shortcodes, i can send emails, i can create visually many forms, and i can use the recaptcha integration feature.
The purpose of this plugin for me is to send collected data from the form to my Vtiger CRM. Other Contact Form plugins haven’t been able to do that, just this one!
Could someone please help me?
]]>– query a backend database (vTiger) for names and addresses in the Contact Details table (vtiger_contactdetails). Actual query would also join to other tables and I have the query saved as a View in phpMyAdmin.
– Use the queried data to create map markers in a Google Maps container.
– Display query results in a table view in a WordPress page.
– Ability to filter/sort results on various criteria from within the WordPress page.
I’ve been searching the plugins repository in WordPress and used Google on the web for a few days and have yet to find a way to accomplish these goals. Does anyone have some suggestions?
]]>I can’t undersand what i must put in the function.php
the form is on:
here the debug mail.
*** Service ***
[name] => seoitaly
[url] =>
[forms] => Array
[0] => 1529
[success] =>
[hook] => true
[mapping] => Array
[0] => Array
[val] => 1
[cf7] => lastname
[3rd] => lastname
[1] => Array
[cf7] => firstname
[3rd] => firstname
[2] => Array
[cf7] => email
[3rd] => email
[3] => Array
[cf7] => description
[3rd] => description
[separator] => ,
*** Post (Form) ***
*** Post (to Service) ***
[lastname] => lastname
*** Response ***
[headers] => Array
[content-encoding] => gzip
[vary] => Accept-Encoding
[date] => Sun, 05 Apr 2015 09:14:07 GMT
[connection] => close
[content-type] => text/html
[content-length] => 77
[body] => {“success”:false,”error”:{“message”:”Webform not found.”}}
[response] => Array
=> 200
[message] => OK
[cookies] => Array
[filename] =>