Here are the troubleshooting steps I’ve already tried:
Despite these efforts, the issue persists. I’d appreciate any guidance on additional steps or configurations that might resolve this.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Best regards,
]]>I am currently unable to add or update any lessons within the Tutor LMS plugin. When I try to add a new lesson, the Visual Editor does not respond, and any content I attempt to add is not saved when I click ‘Update Lesson’. This issue persists even when I try to switch to the Text Editor. The ‘Update Lesson’ button does not save any changes, effectively preventing me from adding or modifying lessons altogether.
Here’s what I’ve done so far in an attempt to resolve the issue:
This issue is critical for our online courses, as it completely hinders our ability to add or update content. Your prompt assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
There was a similar topic earlier, where the problem was solved by adding the following code:
add_action('init', 'my_remove_editor_from_post_type');
function my_remove_editor_from_post_type() {
remove_post_type_support( 'post', 'editor' );
remove_post_type_support( 'page', 'editor' );
Unfortunately, it’s no longer helping with this issue.
I’ve been able to disable the visual editor by adding the following code to functions.php:
add_filter( 'user_can_richedit' , '__return_false', 50 );
Please tell me how I can disable the classic editor too. I don’t want users to be able to add html code and images, so I want to keep only regular text forms.
]]>Please bear with me, I’m new to this. So I have been making sure everything is good by creating my site on local first before I purchase my hosting.
Just a few hours ago, I finally bought hosting and domain. All I did was migrate the whole site using WPVivid. But now, when I paste my content from Word, it pastes into one paragraph block, instead of multiple blocks. This breaks my formatting.
I went back to the local copy of my website. And I am still able to copy paste normally. But I can’t copy the blocks from my localWP to my onlineWP. How can I fix this please?
Currently, my workaround is to copy from Word > paste on local WordPress > switch to Code Editor and copy content > paste to the Code Editor of my online WordPress. But as you can see, it’s too many steps for one post. I would appreciate any help.
Thank you.
]]>Have you got any suggetions what I can do about it?
So a while back I was working on my recipe blog and usually WordPress and all my plugins get their updates automatically. On this day, though, there was a bar on the top of the page that I should update TranslatePress. I was hesitant at first (you know, updates can always cause problems), but went through with it and it looked like it went through without any issues. Unfortunately, I then discovered that nothing was working properly anymore.
The first thing that concerned me, was that the visual editor hasn’t worked properly anymore. When I started the translation mode and wanted to click on a string or text to translate, there was no pen-icon to click. Sometimes if I get in and out of the translation mode, it will come up and I can click on it. It then also shows me the forms to enter the translation. But whenever I try to save it, it looks like it does but on the website it never shows.
And there used to be a list of all the texts to translate, that I could choose from and enter translations for – the list is empty now, only the bold-written category headlines visible.
Then I looked around here to find help and read that you can also translate your webside by working in the database and entering the translations directly into the table. I tried WP Data Access and found the dictionary database. I entered some translation that I knew where to find on my website. I saved those translations but they never showed on my webside. Then even tried another plugin (phpMyAdmin) for the same purpose – no success either.
I’m lost and I want to release my recipe blog soon. Please, can anybody tell me how to get it working again? (Unfortunately I don’t know how to upload any screenshots, my website is still in “coming soon” mode and only admins can see it right now …)
]]>I need Textarea (Text) instead of TinyMCE (Visual) for WP Editor on Post-Data.
Would you please provide a solution for this case?
Maybe function code or something?
I’m not a programmer. Really need your help.
Best regards