I’m able to use your excellent plugin but I would like to know, how to hide CSS as well because on my website it’s showing all my custom CSS in view source. Please help me and suggest me.
]]>I hope you are well. I’ve just installed your plugin, but for some reason I cannot find the tracking code in view source of any of my site pages? I’ve cleared caches. I set Position of tracking-code in settings to Footer as I read that this can help with speed, but I can’t find my analytics id anywhere in the page. Have I misunderstood what should be happening? It’s been a long day and my brain is fried Thank you for your help.
]]>Am I just lacking sleep and missing something?
i installed wp content copy protection.
In Chrome, right top icon, when i click “more tools” > “developer tools”, i can view the source of my site.
Whether your product can disable it so that no one can view the source in this way?
I installed this plugin, no conflict that is a good sign!
I want to hide the view-source when people right click it. I not sure which exact tab and/or section that is associate to block from view-source.
Can you give a helping hands?
]]>Really battling and getting frustrated, spoke to Google today and they advised that my analytics code isn’t setup correctly, and that the tracking code is sitting on line 1879-1888, and I can see this under view-source:https://www.ativo.co.za/
Google advised it needs to move to end of line 226
However when I go through the templates for my theme I cannot find this line, or code even while searching. or using Notepad++ to download the files, the style.css stops at line 1870
How can I find where this line is located?
]]>Just one question.
Why do i see output for the plugin on all view source pages even when the pages don’t contain any trigger for any pop up?
I also see the output twice for every pop up I have created.
]]>I need really your help, it takes me now more than five hours only searching in all files in my ftp server and also in the dashboard editor I have looked more than twice to every single php file…. Thank you very much!
]]>I am new to WordPress and have limited coding knowledge, so any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
This is the code:
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