With the latest update, this no longer works.
I’ve tried the other parameters such as Wide Width and Full Width and although these settings appear to make the videos wider in the editor, the saved article reverts back to smaller with videos.
I have several hundreds posts with videos that have reverted to a roughly 2/3 width display. How can I fix this?
]]>Thank you
]]>I’m trying to embed a video hosted by Panopto. I used the following short code. Although the actual video’s width is resized to 36opx, I have these “black padding” on left/right side of the embedded video. Please advise how can I remove them?
[iframe src=”https://lincoln.ap.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Embed.aspx?id=ca9efcb5-5af6-45b4-913b-a9b9002ac171&v=1″ width=360px height=300px style=”margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; display:block;”]
I have created a test page and it is published at https://ltl.lincoln.ac.nz/panopto-video/
I’m new, VERY new in fact: I just finished loading up some backdated “test” articles before my site’s planned month-end launch just two days ago, and just yesterday bought the domain name! The pre-baked theme I’m using I like very much, but only want to make a few changes, and my Google searches for Custom CSS code changes have turned up nothing useful. Since there are only a few changes, I’m not sure setting myself up for months of learning CSS just to make these few changes is going to fit in with working 80-100 hours a week as it is between 3 jobs, so I’m hoping for some help here!
The first is the obvious one: body text width does NOT scale on individual pages, and remains at the “mobile-friendly” width even when viewed on a PC:
If you view this page on a large PC monitor, you can see the text is a narrow column in the middle! I’d like it to scale to a percentage of the monitor’s resolution width (if possible), or auto-scale based on a border. This will greatly aid in my friend and contributing author who will actually write full-length articles for the site! My video posts only require a small snippet below the video, which brings me to the second issue…
I temporarily changed this post from the Standard format to the Video format which does what I want: make the top featured image INSTEAD a large embed of the actual YouTube video I’m linking:
The issue there is conceptually simple as well: you can see that the resolution ratio does NOT properly capture the entire thumbnail, cutting the top and bottom off on PC, and cutting off the sides on mobile. The obvious intention here is to have it post as a full width/height that auto-scales to the device while maintaining the ratio. In terms of CSS coding, I literally came up empty-handed entirely searching Google on this one since WordPress is auto-propagating the video when I simply post the link using Visual. HTML lets me manually control the frame size via embed code, but that clearly does not fix the issue!
I want to genuinely thank anyone that can help me here! I also recognize that the Cubic theme is more intended for photo blogging to begin with, but its overall format is simple, contemporary, and suited to my intentions in almost every way except these two!
I patiently await any help that anyone can provide!
~Jason (ZyroXZ2)
]]>In my web page, i need to reduce the width of the video witch it is automatically se to the full width of the page, actualy of the theme width.
How can i reduce it?
Thank you
I have set the width down to 400 (max for post area is 500) it still creates videos that are 550+px width. Doesn’t happen with all my sites though, but does happen on mobile devices.
Also, killed my featured content galleries.
Please look into this. I did open support with gabfire on their theme as well.