And I had a support question, it was resolved within 3 days.
]]>New to Embed Plus. Great plugin – looking forward to getting this up and running!
I am posting a looping YT video on the home page of a website. I have set the default dimensions to 480×270 but the still image takes up the width of the page. I selected “Centering,” but when I click play, the video is shown at the correct default size but is left justified.
your tool works fine, except for one thing that I can’t manage in extreme mode, only on mobile version, some images and small icons are not displayed as jpg or png.
Do you have a solution for me?
Thanks Piotr
thank you
]]>I have following problems with “Responsive Video Sizing”:
I am using Astra theme, which should be responsive ( I also tested embedded video and playlist with Gutenberg editor -without any plugin – and they are responsive (I can see them correct on mobile).
Now I am using your plugin:
I want to have different video sizes for some videos and I am using &width=… in the embedded code. So far so good.
Both settings
Default Dimensions:
Responsive Video Sizing:
are not activated.
I am using width 640 and 800 for 2 videos, via embedded code. For one playlist I also have, I use default size (big as the container).
On the laptop I see the videos in the correct way but on mobile they are not really responsive…The Thumbnail of the video on mobile is very big, not responsive. The same for the playlist, Thumbnail is huuuge… After starting the video, the size of the video is correct but it is playing in this huge window. Can you please check this: responsive on mobile with responsive theme and the settings above disabled? Thank you.
My page is not online yet, I can provide some screenshots if you need.
Thank you,
I would like to know is the file size limit for the video, as my file is under 21mb, still doesn’t works when I click “Add Video”. Please advice.
Thank you.
]]>I would like to know if I can hack or change the original plugin code to have images/videos and their respective captions fit the whole page, like one or two columns?
Not like the default 150×150 micro thumbnails.
I really hope you can help me here.