I have wound my site back to Kontrast 1.1.7, the only zip-file I could find. Now everything is okay again.
I had no issue with the earlier update to version 1.2.0 but I cannot find a download location of the zip-file for it.
My site is still on WordPress 5.4.2 because I read about several issues with the latest 5.5. All other plugins are up-to-date, PHP version is 7.3.20. I’m using “Disable Gutenberg” plugin because I learnt to hate blocks with MailChimp…
]]>Just updated to the latest version (2.0) and the navigation keys on the website disappeared with all parallax sections not showing the background parallax images.
I have disabled the plugin now, but thought you might want to know.
]]>This is happening on multiple mobile devices (iPad and IPhone).
Any ideas on how to fix it?
]]>I just uploaded the most recent version of WordPress (4.7.5). I’m not able to get into my dashboard and make edits to the website. Instead, the following address came up: https://www.mamft.org/wp-admin/upgrade.php?_wp_http_referer=%2Fwp-admin%2F
Could someone help me understand what this means, and how to fix this so that I can get access to my dashboard? Thanks.
]]>We are using wordpress 4.0.1.
We do lot of customizations in the files and also in the plugin too.
we planned to upgrade the version form 4.0.1 to 4.1.1.
If we upgrade this, is the customized files are still having our customizations or the files became change completely on during the upgrade.
Any one answer me ASAP
Thanks in Advance.
]]>I have updated wordpress from version 3.3.2 to 4.0. I have multisite for my website and I can get images in my main website but not getting images in admin and front end in other sub sites.
Please let me know the cause for this.
]]>I want to upgrade my wordpress version and wonder what type of files and content will it affect. What should I do for keeping all the uploads and files save?
Currently I am using WP 3.1.1 and what to upgrade to 3.6.1
Thank you
]]>My site worked just fine.
WordPress did just as expected.
But an upgrade last week
Caused the website to reek.
So, now my gravestone is being erected.
Bettylocal.com is my first WordPress website. Last week I made what was probably the third or fourth version upgrade of the WordPress installation on the site. Things have gone so smoothly in the past, that I decided to skimp and not make a local backup this time. (A highly regrettable decision that is haunting me to the core.) Immediately afterwards I left on a 4 day vacation, i.e. in my haste, I failed to first look and see whether the upgrade was successful. When I returned on Monday of this week was when I first noticed that the site was broken, i.e. it presented an error message rather than the home page.
I was told by my host’s technical support team that the WP database was now missing some tables. The upgrade was unsuccessful. It was recommended that I simply add the tables back into the database. And that the tables could be found in my local copy of a backup. (Riiiiiiiiiiiight. If only I had a local backup…aaargh!?!)
I immediately attempted to “Restore a Backup” using SimpleScripts. What I read in the notes prior to implementing the restore sounded encouraging:
“A. Any backups listed here are the direct result of an upgrade, and restoring will only bring you back to the version you were at when the backup was taken. (Yes! Perfect!!!) B. The backup contains only the files that we changed during the upgrade, and is NOT a full backup. (Not sure, but that doesn’t sound so bad.) C. The backup may contain a copy of your database as it existed at the time the backup was taken. That means any data entered between the time of backup and the time of restoration will be lost!” (No worries since there hasn’t been any changes.)
I thought: “This should do it!” But it didn’t. The same issue persisted.
As far as I can tell (with help from a patient, if growing increasingly impatient tech support resource at my host, iPage), the problem can be summed up like this: my host keeps a single backup on the system. The current backup was made AFTER the errant upgrade…while I was on vacation…and, so, it backed up what was already a broken site. So, the only backup I have of the site is a broken one. Unfortunately I am under the impression that my mistake (not making a local backup of my WP files and database prior to the upgrade) is going to cost me greatly. Aaaaaaaaaaarrrggghhh….
So, now, what to do? How can I salvage any of the work I did prior? Experienced with rather simple HTML sites, but not so familiar with a CMS, I am thinking that at the very least all of the images and videos should be in tact somewhere…? I am thinking that just because there are some database tables missing, does that really mean that no posts and/or pages can be salvaged? I am wondering if I further mucked things up by trying to Restore a Backup…? I am wondering if the forms I created exist? And the specialized code, the finely-customized changes I made to the .css and .php files…they are all there and appear to be intact! So…surely I don’t have to start from scratch…? Right?
So…can anyone provide me some direction? Can anyone tell me what it is that I should do to get my site back?
Thanks so much in advance for any help.
Our sites run mostly OK on our server but there are a few lingering
[06-Sep-2009 05:27:41] PHP Notice: A feed could not be found at
https://news.search.yahoo.com/news/rss?p=phoenix&ei=UTF-8&fl=0&x=wrt in /home/httpd/domain/DOMAINNAME/wp-includes/class-simplepie.php on line 1680
In this error message, I’ve replaced the actual domain name
with the generic “DOMAINNAME”.
We suspect that owners, groups and permissions are an issue and that once we can get these ironed out, we’ll be OK.
Apache runs as user nobody, group nobody.
The domain directories are set with user fred and group nobody.
When we TOTALLY open the files to 777, it still doesn’t work. Changing the owner to nobody, everything works.
The perms are generally set to 664 for files and 775 for directories.
It seems, but I am not sure, that WP expects the files to be OWNED by the same user as Apache runs under, not just to have write perms. Meaning that if the files are owned by user fred but Apache runs as user nobody, even though perms allow creating and updating files, it won’t do so.
Another factor is an extra level of security where we have added an .htaccess-based extra login and password before permitting access to any page with “wp-admin” in the URL to thwart script-kiddies trying to brute-force their way in.
We still love BlueHost for the many accounts we host there but we have a need to do some self-hosting. Any assistance to help us get our server configuration correct so the WP dashboards and RSS feeds work as nicely as they do on BH would be appreciated.