“html_attributions”: [],
“result”: {
“business_status”: “OPERATIONAL”,
“name”: “Northmount Liquor Store”,
“opening_hours”: {
“open_now”: true,
“periods”: [
“close”: {
“day”: 0,
“time”: “1900”
“open”: {
“day”: 0,
“time”: “1200”
“close”: {
“day”: 1,
“time”: “2100”
“open”: {
“day”: 1,
“time”: “1100”
“close”: {
“day”: 2,
“time”: “2100”
“open”: {
“day”: 2,
“time”: “1200”
“close”: {
“day”: 3,
“time”: “2100”
“open”: {
“day”: 3,
“time”: “1200”
“close”: {
“day”: 4,
“time”: “2100”
“open”: {
“day”: 4,
“time”: “1200”
“close”: {
“day”: 5,
“time”: “2200”
“open”: {
“day”: 5,
“time”: “1200”
“close”: {
“day”: 6,
“time”: “2200”
“open”: {
“day”: 6,
“time”: “1100”
“weekday_text”: [
“Monday: 11:00 AM \u2013 9:00 PM”,
“Tuesday: 12:00 \u2013 9:00 PM”,
“Wednesday: 12:00 \u2013 9:00 PM”,
“Thursday: 12:00 \u2013 9:00 PM”,
“Friday: 12:00 \u2013 10:00 PM”,
“Saturday: 11:00 AM \u2013 10:00 PM”,
“Sunday: 12:00 \u2013 7:00 PM”
“url”: “https://maps.google.com/?cid=4626752193896143866”
“status”: “OK”
Results on footer of webpage are off by one day
]]>I noticed that the checkMySQL()
method only looks at the first character of the version string, rather than comparing it with version_compare()
or some such like you do elsewhere:
public static function checkMySQL(){ global $wpdb; $v = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT VERSION();"); if(empty($v)){ return false; } $v = trim($v); if(intval($v[0]) < 5){ return false; } return true; }
]]>Pressed for time this time wanting to get onto 3.1 figured I would just use the auto update in the dashboard. When I go to it though, it is showing blanks for the version and says I am already up-to-date (though on 3.0.4)
Screenshot: update-core.php
There a config in the DB I may have missed when I moved directories ages ago that controls the version lookup here?
When in the Manage Theme options page the There is a new version of default available. View version 1.7.2 Details or upgrade automatically.
message appears.
Since this is a hacked version of the Kubrick theme, I want to get rid of this message in case someone accidentally selects “Upgrade all” !
How can I disable the themes “upgrade automatically” message?
]]>What I would like to do is disable the version check in the admin panel. Is there a way to do this, or am I on my own? Thanks.
but that did not work. So now I am thinking that I should check the version and if it is below version 2.7, then the function will not be called.
Anybody know how or have alternate suggestions?
]]>I’m creating a plugin and want to take advantage of this feature, but can’t find anything about it in the documentation or the forums (unless I’m not searching for the right keywords).