Is their any way we can use a venue’s Place ID instead of a venue Address in order to obtain the proper Google Maps display?
With a venue’s Place ID, we can guarantee that Google Maps will display both the venue name and address. Without a Place ID, Google Maps many times will only display the venue address.
Is their any snippet or php code you can share to accomplish this?
Click here for finding a venue’s Place ID:
Thank you!
]]>We had an issue with our latest production which closed yesterday where new people coming to see our production could not find the address of the venue and we had at least 3 phone calls, one of whom was 15 minutes late to the start of the production and was most displeased as there was no details on the email of where the location of the venue was, our fault.
We have a “Venue” field within the seating plan which is great for on tickets I.e. “Motherwell Theatre” but it would be nice to have another field in the seating plan with venue address which can be added to the email to save such issues arising. Would this be possible?
Many many thanks once more,
I’ve already activated the following Google Maps API’s: Google Maps JavaScript API
Google Maps Directions API
Google Maps Distance Matrix API
Google Maps Elevation API
Google Maps Geocoding API
Google Maps Geolocation API
Google Places API Web Service
Google Street View Image API
The map display seems to work, but somehow the search for an adress or coordinates seems to be broken… Any ideas what is missing/wrong?
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,