Is there any way around this or any chance you might be changing this in the future? I’m using Divi theme and using their font uploader, so not sure if this makes a difference.
]]>In the Old URL and New URL fields, can I simply do a portion of a url, or does it need to be a complete absolute URL? Or does it allow use of regex?
I moved my staging site to production and some of my staging links to both pages and media are still inconsistently appearing.
I’d like to update any remaining image or link urls from
Can I simply put “/staging/” in my old URL box and “/” in the new? That would save me from looking for every staging link in the code on my production site.
]]>I saved a mysqldump of the database and copied the files to the local machine and created the database with the same permissions and credentials.
I’ve tried Velvet Blues Update URLs, selecting all of the items in step 2. It reports:
Success! Your URLs have been updated.
37 Content Items (Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types, Revisions)
0 Excerpts
0 Links
59 Attachments
4 Custom Fields
130 GUIDs
If I then go to ‘visit site’ I do go to my local copy and it looks the same. However, the menu pages don’t work. I get ‘Not Found’ for https://xyz/about.
How do I get this to work?
]]>This is a note for others.
I installed this plugin based on reviews and number of installs.
I built a site using
The old site existed at
Pretty simple.
After the DNS change at Cloudflare and the on my server, I edited the SITE URL using phpmyadmin, and I ran this plugin (once the site was back up).
First I ran it checking only the top option box (just to not go crazy).
The plugin reported a few links changed.
Then I ran it again, checking each next box (one at a time). And nothing else changed.
Then I went back through one more time and ran them all–again nothing changed.
After that I went through, page by page, and manually changed each broken link and image.
It works for some links and didn’t crash my client’s site.
This was on a site using X-theme (Renew stack), on a dedicated (mega buck, high performance) physical server hosted on a rack at LiquidWeb. All updates were current (WP and plugins).
]]>As I had previously successfully replaced all instances of with (without https:// prefix), I tried using the backslash as an escape character for the only place where the forward slash occurs, so I basically wrote the old URL as\/kneif, but Velvet Blues tells me that 0 URLs have been updated.
What do I need to do to replace the URLs?
]]>As all links were pointing towards the original site located at, I tried to access the dashboard, but was redirected towards (the original site) instead of (the new site). After finding out that I needed to replace the links in the ‘options’ table of my database (in the columns ‘siteurl’ and ‘home’), I managed to get into the dashboard and used Velvet Blues to update the URLs. A large number of URLs were updated, however now the site isn’t working properly. The slider on the homepage isn’t displayed, the embedded audio track isn’t working, and whenever I click on a link I get a ‘500 Internal Server Error’. The same behaviour occurred when I previously tried running interconnectit’s Search-Replace-DB script on the site.
Why is everything that I try causing this behaviour? What can I do to fix it?
]]>As all links were pointing towards the original site located at, I tried to access the dashboard, but was redirected towards (the original site) instead of (the new site). After finding out that I needed to replace the links in the ‘options’ table of my database (in the columns ‘siteurl’ and ‘home’), I managed to get into the dashboard and used Velvet Blues to update the URLs. However, now the site isn’t working properly. The slider on the homepage isn’t displayed, the embedded audio track isn’t working, and whenever I click on a link I get a ‘500 Internal Server Error’. The same behaviour occurred when I previously tried running interconnectit’s Search-Replace-DB script on the site.
Why is everything that I try causing this behaviour? What can I do to fix it?
]]>An internal server error occurred. Please try again later.
I can replicate it consistently every time I try to use the option, and all other options it consistently works (except I have not tried the “Update ALL GUIDs” option). I should note that I do not get an error on my local XAMPP dev instance.
I did try Justin Greer’s code in the “You guys will update the plugin or what?” support thread and it did not work. I also followed his advice saying the WP_DEBUG option in the wp-config.php file should be FALSE.
Any ideas? Thanks!