I am using the embedded signup form from Mailchimp (without using the plugin as I already have too many plugins installed). I translated the form to Dutch using the Mailchimp website, however the website doesn’t give you the option to translate validations.
I also would like to remove the asterisk of the email field label, and add ‘(optional)’ to the name field.
I only have basic CSS/HTML knowledge, so I don’t know where in my files I can find this component and edit the validations and input labels.
Any ideas on how I can edit the validations and input labels?
]]>I am using the embedded signup form from Mailchimp. I translated the form to Dutch using the Mailchimp website, however the website doesn’t give you the option to translate validations.
I also would like to remove the asterisk of the email field label, and add ‘(optional)’ to the name field.
I only have basic CSS/HTML knowledge, so I don’t know where in my files I can find this component and edit the validations and input labels.
Any ideas on how I can edit the validations and input labels?
]]>It would also be really helpful if computations were possible in the custom validations. I’ll probably run into similar issues in these forms.
]]>We have multiple packages available for one product. Right now customer should click on the dropdown list to select the package he would like to buy. We would like to display Packages in list format. Like on this website: https://el-septimo.ch/produit/paris/ Where customers can see right away what kind of packages are available.
Is it a setting? Or it is a template ovveride? If it is a template override, what kind of files do I need to change?
Please advise,
And if I choose Character Limit and Limit field to 11 characters, then the form allows you to enter all formats by limit, including those that are not needed. How can I make the form fill in the first “+7 ” characters in advance and limit the number of characters, for example, to 12, including those filled in automatically? Well, or validation national + Character Limit, provided that if +79xxxxxx, then the limit of characters is 12, and if 89xxxxxx, then 11?
Or is this impossible?
]]>The problem I have is that from the list of addons, at least 2 should be selected, before the product can be added to cart. I haven’t figured out how to implement that.
Is there a way or any hook/action your plugin provide to solve this?
]]>I would like to add validation on the Multiple File Upload field so that the form should not be submitted without all 6 required images (Upload Front, Back, Driver Side, Passenger Side, Interior, and Dashboard Photos). The Multiple File Upload field gives an option for max limit but I want min limit too.
Please have a look.
Waiting for your response.