You can download the theme at my blog. I plain on making it available for download via wordpress directly but figured I would release here first so as to iron out any bugs that may arise.
p.s. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0
]]>I wonder if anyone can help me, the feed for my blog has gone a bit funny. You you look at it through feed validator it validates but it also seems to contain a lot of strange information, like the HTML code for the first timer plugin (line 27). Also it contains all the javascript for Google Analytics. I don’t know how the feed creator works in wordpress but mine looks like it scrapping the contents after it’s outputted instead of taking the post/title/category and passing that into a feed.
]]>A few months ago I took over a community blog and everything worked fine those first few times. After a busy month of server and community work I realized that our homepage feed was broken with the following error message
Error: Feed failed! Causes may be (1) No data found for RSS feed; (2) There are no items are available for this feed; (3) The RSS feed does not validate.
Please verify that the URL works first in your browser and that the feed passes a validator test.
I confirmed that was working and it passed the validator test
Since wordpress appeared to still be functional I figured I would write an entry to awknowledge the issue, but when I submitted the post it didn’t appear on the wordpress page or feed. After some checking I found that the post was dated Dec 14th 1999; however the wordpress options for “Date and Time” reads 2007.
]]>If you scroll to the last entry in my sidebar on the right side there, you’ll see the Tracker.
Now, that text style doesn’t appear right with anything else in my sidebar (excuse my ignorance but I’m still a newbie learning PHP and HTML and CSS).
I thought there would be a ul or li error somewhere, but my site validates… any ideas on where I am going wrong?
]]>This is the error i’m getting:
XML parsing error: <unknown>:2:0: xml declaration not at start of external entity
I believe its because XML decleration is on the second line and has space before the declaration.
How can I ensure the decleration is on line 1?
]]>The two layouts? Ryan Brill’s Neg Margin Layout from A List Apart:
The Jello Piefecta from Position is Everything:
Anyone who wishes to contact me to let me know another good layout that isn’t working with 2.0 can do so here:
I’m posting this as a plea for this issue to be looked at. Used to be that we could use ANY good frontend code to create a WP template, which put WP heads above other programs. Now that’s not the case, we have to pick and choose our layouts, often substandard ones, just to get the dang code to work. I’ve complained in the past about Joomla and Mambo and ZenCart and OSCommerce dictating to me that table code will be in my front end source whether I want it or not. Though this is different it’s no less problematical in its result.
I would also love to hear from others who have experienced problems with themes that work in WP 1.5.x and not in 2.0.x, so maybe we can figure out more similarities to point devs toward.
]]>I supplied my blog feed at this Feed Validator site, it said it validates but when recving my own feed thru Bloglines, I get this error:
“Bloglines has encountered an error trying to fetch the latest version of this feed. Bloglines handles errors automatically, no action is required by you. The error was:
The feed does not appear to exist. This can be caused by the feed URL being incorrect, or it can be caused by a configuration issue with the server hosting the feed. If this error continues, you should check the feed URL and, if it is wrong, subscribe to the correct URL.”
so if I could be told which route to troubleshoot this with, I would be very grateful. (uninstall each plugin and reinstall one at a time because of opening blank line I read about, my host server setup problem, my button setup wrong…)
Do you get an error when using my blog’s RSS button? TIA.