The slider is not behaving correctly.
It is diplaying the slides as a list down the my sidebar.
Please can the developer contact me on here and arrange to fix it.
I am in desperate need of this solution.
]]>Upgraded to 2.0 and it doesn’t work now.
I’m really disappointed.
I really need the old version 1.2 files to reinstall on my site until this problem is fixed.
]]>I note the plugin files in the repository were updated on 26 November, but are still showing the v1.2 version number.
This morning I received an alert from WordFence that the plugin files on the site were different from the “original” files in the repository, and upon inspecting the changes, there are quite a lot of changes in the file create-contact-form.php but nothing is malicious and it all looks like progressive development of the plugin’s code.
As I had upgraded to v1.2 just 5 days ago (23 Nov) I was surprised to see a warning of potentially unauthorised file changes occurring.
Please can you confirm that either you have been making non-versioned updates to the plugin files in the repository, or that you did update it but forgot to increment the version number.
Many thanks
]]>or how about this – install v2.x and do the customisation – then save my theme files, delete v2.x and upgrade from v1.2?
Can I go from v1.2 to v2.x???
Thanks for any help
Yes I know it is 1.2 but it has various mods that I did not have the time to convert over to 1.5.
My host is suggesting it has been hacked or someone has captured the username / pass. I have never had my user/pass captured before and I don’t see how or why this should be the case this time but you never know. I have checked the database and it seems ok, at least the posts look to be there still.
So, are 1.2 sites vulnerable / being hacked. And any suggestions for what might be happening / solutions?
best wishes