Your plugin seems very interesting and very simple at first sight.
Before to download and use, I just want to be sure it will fulfill our needs.
We actually operate a Multisites on a WordPress v.5.6.2 installation.
From the start, we have 2 questions that are important for us:
1. Actually, contrary to what your screenshots show, our version of WordPress doesn’t show any ‘Role’ and/or ‘Posts’ columns in the “Users” list screen.
If I refer to the WordPress ‘/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-users-list-table.php’ file, it seems that the display of these infos are “deprecated” since WP version 4.4.0 for security reasons.
(* @since 4.2.0 The
$style` parameter was deprecated.
* @since 4.4.0 The $role
parameter was deprecated.
* @param WP_User $user_object The current user object.
* @param string $style Deprecated. Not used.
* @param string $role Deprecated. Not used.`
So, my main question is : If I install your plugin, will these 2 columns be reinstated (showing up again) ?
2. When I click on a User to see/edit his settings/profile, I can’t see what is his role, nor that I can change his role amongst the 5 main roles supported by WordPress.
The only thing I can do is grant him “‘Super Admin’ privileges for the network”.
So, If I install your plugin, will I be able to see at which Role category the user belongs, and will I be able to change its ‘role’ through that screen ?
Thank you in advance for your answers to these questions from our part.
]]>I’ve got a question about Users Roles Setting.
Can we add to a person a second role according to the first one, and not according to CAS attributes ?
Exemple :
My website is a community site for my enterprise and its clients.
– All clients should have an Participant Role (it’s a bbpress Role)
– Employees should have an Editor Role and Participant Role
– Few employees will have an Administrator Role to manage the site. They have to have an another role associated : Keymaster (bbpress role)
My question :
Can I specified in Users Roles Settings something like :
– Keymaster|( WordPress Role -EQ “Administrator” )
Other bug :
When I specified several rules, they applicated to all my users, not only those who match conditions.
– Adminitrator |(CAS{prenom} -EQ “Romane”) -AND (CAS{mail} -CONTAINS “Romane.LEGUEDE”)
Only user Romane should be define as Administrator, but when I try a connexion with an anoter account, this user become Admin too.
Any idea ?
Thanks for any help.
]]>how to hide this.
]]>Reading this useful page it seems to me they can delete plugins
How can i stop site admin users to delete plugins?
Thank you for your support.
]]>I would like to know how to change the user’s role after they have read all the posts in a category. When the role changes, the user will have access to the next category. And so on…
To make the categories private and to create the related groups of users I’m using the Role Scoper plugin.
Does anyone know a plugin to do this? I searched but without any success…
Thanks to all!