But there is no “Using Form Action API” available as mentioned in the video.
Where can I find this section?
]]>After finished installation, inserted credentials as following some youtube videos, but noticed the dashboard I have and what showing with them is not typically the same, there are some missing parts, I am not sure if there is an official site or YouTube channel for tutorial to show step by step how to add products, how to customize etc..
I downloaded and installed the theme via WordPress’ the repository, but also downloaded the zip file from the URL listed above. Neither one came with either of those “goodies.” Where do I get them?
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I know with Drupal, which I used before, it just cached and stored the content. … some kind of principle of publishing a bibliography (in my case a publication list) … is really the main purpose for loving the idea of this plugin …
here’s my current drupal pub list: https://seangoggins.net/?q=biblio&s=year&o=desc
I basically want to be able to use your plugin to do this in wordpress, and then also highlight specific articles on pages that are broken out by my research tracks …
So, some kind of caching, even if crude or hacky would be much appreciated.
]]>Is there an overall guide to the Illustratr theme that I have not discovered other than this support forum?
I have used themes successfully in the past, but I am hitting walls with the simplist tasks of getting galleries and portfolios up and running and formatted.
Many thanks.