I’ve been search for what seems like ages for the winning tutorial, but apparently I’m lacking the required keywords. Hope you can help me out!
User stories for my custom WordPress theme:
– Enable registered users to create & edit custom post types (“content”) through the frontend
– Enable registered users who have created “content” to submit their content for admin review
– Enable admins to approve “content in review” for publication
– Publicly display approved content on a public archive
How am I building the custom theme?
– For scratch. Ideal solution doesn’t use plugins.
What did I learn so far?
– Processing frontend form submissions doesn’t seem to cover my case, as the content generated aren’t (?) necessarily linked to a user
– Repurposing “draft” content as “private” seems not to work because I can’t force a review when switching from one to the other
– .. not much else unfortunately
Hope you guys can hook me up with some tutorials or high-level principles I need to dive into to solve this (ideally without a lot of custom code, as I’m not exactly an expert).
]]>I am trying to create a page for users to express their ideas similar to that of Urban Dictionary and other popular forums. I was wondering if there was a www.remarpro.com plugin that would accomplish that goal or a good starting point to creating such a page.
Please let me know, I have put email notifications on so I will get your response promptly.
Thanks for the help I look forward to hearing thoughts!
]]>What other content areas would you like to see added? For what other communities would you like use WriteShare?
We will be adding Video and Graphics as two more content areas in an upcoming release. Then, both video and graphics communities can use the plugin, as well. So, our writing community platform isn’t just for writing. It’s for any sharing.
Tell us what content areas you’d like to see, and we’ll (likely) add them. For those of you using the plugin, you know that you can then easily create your own taxonomy on the dashboard.
]]>I’m thinking about starting a user generated content site on WordPress and whoever submits a content gets some payment for every approved post.
Can anyone tell me how this can be achieved, is there any plugin or theme, it can be either paid or free ?
Thank You.