I have created a new user role using built-in functionality of the theme on my website. I assign its capability with reading, editing custom post type posts of own and others.
When login into the account with that User Role, there is no list of custom post type posts being seen.
Can you please advise how to fix this.
Very appreciate your support.
]]>I have trouble in WordPress using Role v5++ (latest WP)
I have 3 user roles
– Administrator (default)
– BusinessPartner1
– BusinessPartner2
The administrator role is working Perfectly
But in BsuinessPartner1 and BusinessPartner2 role having a problem
I allowed users with those roles that can edit/delete and manage option their own post
Referece BusinessPartner1:
Referece BusinessPartner2:
But look even I allowed them to manage their post edit and delete this is what they got on their own WordPress Backend Dashboard.
Referece BusinessPartner1/2 dashboard:
As you can see with that link have no Edit, no Quick Edit, no Trash only “View”
What I am expecting is like this:
The goal is the Role BusinessPartner1 and BusinessPartner2 have the functionality to Edit and Delete their own post.
Hoping you will help and Thanks in advance
I am using plugins User Role Editor Author: Vladimir Garagulya
First, the problem I encounter is the post I created will not display on the back end.
What I did is I clone the administrator role just to make sure everything is fine so what I mean I have two different roles first one is the administrator and the second one is the content manager role.
With my administrator account, everything works fine, but with my content manager role I got a problem my problem is when I make a post it will not display on the WordPress back end
reference: https://www.screencast.com/t/eexSqxTQ4qp
Even I click a different counter above the menu it returns to me “no post found”:
I am totally wondering because the role capability was clone from the administrator role so what’s wrong with my content manager role? why the post that I was made will not display on the WordPress backend post?
Can you help me to figure out and solve this problem?
]]>first of all I really like this plugin – it’s very helpful to create chunks of code that are repeated over the website. Thanks for the great work!
Now I suggest that even users without “manage_options” capability should be able to change status of the snippet (publish/unpublish).
I have changed it myself by digging around in the core:
Original function:
public function currentUserCan() {
return current_user_can( 'manage_options' );
Function after my change:
public function currentUserCan() {
return current_user_can( 'publish_wbcr-snippetss' );
My solution is probably not 100% “clean” but it works for me at the moment. With this I can assign publishing rights for instance to the “Editor” role users.
Thanks for your time!
is it possible
thx alot
]]>At any rate, my request is to allow the WP admin to set which capability or user role should have access to the settings page.
As a quick and easy fix, you could set by default manage_options on line 552 as follows:
function sb_cl_init_admin_page() {
global $sb_cl_file;
add_options_page('SB Child List Options', 'SB Child List', 'manage_options', $sb_cl_file, 'sb_cl_admin_page');
Thanks again for a solid plugin and for your consideration of this request.