I’m wondering how I can make the display URL in Google SERPs show the URL slug instead of the category.
]]>Your plugin is very nice, I like that it generates a shortcode but also creates a page for the poll automatically so we don’t need to create one separately, and it’s great that the poll’s url is editable.
However, the poll URL are alwas following the “/poll/” slug, for example, mydomain(.)com/poll/name-of-poll.
I would have expected that by going to the URL mydomain(.)com/poll/, I would see a list of all the polls. However this is not true, instead, it shows a 404 error.
I would like to have a page ideally called “mydomain(.)com/polls/ that displays all the polls available (like a menu, the way categories can be displayed on wordpress, not displaying all the contents of all the polls). I made a Post category called “polls” but the URL became mydomain(.)com/category/polls/.
Is there a way to make the polls display on the URL mydomain(.)com/poll/ or make a page that displays them all?
Thank you
]]>Con la url que hay por defecto “property”, sí funciona: https://levi.iodesign.es/property/piso-en-venta-en-gomez-ferrer/
En la web original (todavía con la versión 3) tengo todas las url como “inmuebles” y funcionan perfectamente: https://www.foroinmobiliarioviveros.com/inmuebles/piso-en-venta-en-gomez-ferrer/
?Cómo lo puedo solucionar?
Thank you.
]]>I have been facing this problem since I started creating web stories.
My web stories are inserted on a separate page (Web stories), and when I click on one, I’d normally expect to see its URL slug, but I don’t see anything on the URL tab, except my domain name.
How do I solve this?
]]>I try on “setting” and “Permalink Settings” I choose different option like “Post name”, “Custom Structure” but it still not work.
Thank you in advance.
]]>I want my blog posts and other custom post-type posts to be hierarchical such as:
sitename.com/blog/blog-post-name or sitename.com/recipes/dinner/name-of-dinner-recipe.
How do I set permalinks in this way?
]]>define('GIVE_SLUG', 'event-listing');
But after I change them, I can’t view the existing donations. So, I reverted them back. I worry that there might be a conflict with the Theme we’re using because it also has a donations page from the old code which has an existing coded function and templates.
]]>In your docs is mentioned, removing of default url slugs (/shop/, /product-category/, /product/) causes negative performance impact. Could you please become more specific on this? Is the impact measurable? Do you maybe have a kind of benchmarks of running WC with and without default slugs?