Now I have found the possibility in Complianz to block URL’s and or unique strings from the inline scripts of third parties until consent has been granted.
I have entered the following there:
Unfortunately this does not work, the scripts are loaded anyway. I have also cleared the cache several times.
Is there a possible solution for this? Thanks in advance
]]>Google Analytics shows it as /h/5178723.html so I have added /h/5178723* to the “Immediately block IPs that access these URLs” part of the firewall, but it has made no difference.
When I try and access the URL I get the blocked screen, but it seems it is not blocking others.
Have I done something wrong?
Need guidance on how to block/lock out IPs accessing specific URLS.
I have added a number of URL paths and filenames via the the WordFence configuration option “Immediately block IP’s that access these URLs:[__]”
But are unsure how this feature treats urls that are parsed or how I should go about blocking parsed urls.
Question 1: If I add “/filename.php” to the list of banned urls (via the config option) will that also trap usage attempts like /filename.php?go=blahblah
AND /filename?go=blahblah
Obviously there are numerous variations of the strings and variables being appended or being inserted at the [?xyxyx] end of the page name. Also the obvious use of the short form of the page filename (omitting the file extension).
Question 2: So how do we block and trap pages with parsed strings in longhand filename.php?
form and shorthand filename?
]]>I have some patterns I’d like to automatically block, I inserted the full URL ( but it doesn’t work at all.
Do I have to write only the last part ? such as “/administrator/?option=com_login”
It would be easier if there was a multiline form or if it’d be possibile to load an external text file with URLs to block.
I also keep seeing odd browser user-agent:
Netherlands tried to access non-existent page
9 hours 47 mins ago IP: [block]
Browser: Yahoo version 0.0
thank you !