The configured uploads directory “W:\web\2 WordPress\aselar.wp/wp-content/uploads/participants-database/” for Participants Database is not writable. This means that plugins file uploads will fail, check the Participants Database “File Upload Location” setting for the correct path.
I change location to wp-content/uploads/participants-database/ and Image file path to wp-content/plugins/participants-database/ui/no-image.png whats is recommended and it’s now working.
Also now, my list of participants is not visible on backend but yes in frontend, yesterday before change that paths is looks fine.
I tried to upload a csv and it uploads ok but nothing appears on the list of participants…
]]>While perusing the “uploads” directory via FTP, I found ~7.5GB of BackupBuddy back-ups (most of which I’ll purge) and ~75 Media Library files (all are images) with a total file size of ~100M (as expected). Although many “permanently deleted” media files are no longer visible in the WP Media Library, via FTP I can see ~50M of media files that were apparently abandoned in the “uploads” directory on the server. I’ve scoured the “uploads” sub-directories, and I still can not locate ~53GB of files. I’m speculating that the WP-Optimize plugin may have something to do with this, but–at the risk of inadvertently deleting necessary media–I’m reluctant to deactivate the plugin to test. Also, BackupBuddy often stalls on the “Zipping files” phase of a complete back-up, and I’m speculating that this may be the result of attempting to back up 60.49GB of data with each “complete” back-up. There are a few deactivated plugins that I can delete, but all plugins that are in use are up-to-date.
My objective is to purge whatever is unnecessarily bloating the “uploads” directory, and I appreciate any insight / assistance.
]]>I’ve been using FileBird for ages and it works really well to organise my images. I moved to a new host yesterday and whilst the list of folders displays only one image ever shows and the rotating wheel next to where is says “bulk select” never stops. This error displays in console:
Uncaught TypeError: this._addClass is not a function
at $.<computed>.<computed>._create (draggable.min.js?ver=1.12.1:9)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._create (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:415)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._createWidget (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:585)
at new $.<computed>.<computed> (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:376)
at HTMLLIElement.<anonymous> (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:531)
at Function.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.6:2)
at s.fn.init.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.6:2)
at s.fn.init.$.fn.<computed> [as draggable] (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:523)
at Object.registerDraggable (app.js?ver=4.2:29)
at i.<anonymous> (app.js?ver=4.2:29)
droppable.min.js?ver=1.12.1:9 Uncaught TypeError: this._addClass is not a function
at $.<computed>.<computed>._create (droppable.min.js?ver=1.12.1:9)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._create (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:415)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._createWidget (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:585)
at new $.<computed>.<computed> (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:376)
at HTMLLIElement.<anonymous> (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:531)
at Function.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.6:2)
at s.fn.init.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.6:2)
at s.fn.init.$.fn.<computed> [as droppable] (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:523)
at Object.register (app.js?ver=4.2:13)
at Object.forTree (app.js?ver=4.2:13)
draggable.min.js?ver=1.12.1:9 Uncaught TypeError: this._addClass is not a function
at $.<computed>.<computed>._create (draggable.min.js?ver=1.12.1:9)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._create (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:415)
at $.<computed>.<computed>._createWidget (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:585)
at new $.<computed>.<computed> (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:376)
at HTMLLIElement.<anonymous> (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:531)
at Function.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.6:2)
at s.fn.init.each (load-scripts.php?c=0&load[chunk_0]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils&ver=5.6:2)
at s.fn.init.$.fn.<computed> [as draggable] (jquery-ui.js?ver=06bab91697da2bf883bc9b237f78a80b:523)
at Object.registerDraggable (app.js?ver=4.2:29)
at i.<anonymous> (app.js?ver=4.2:29)
My upload path used to be /home/gzkpcl1i6pan/public_html/wp-content/uploads and I’ve changed it to /home/customer/www/mywebsite/public_html/wp-content/uploads
What do I need to do to get it working again?
]]>This is the code I have in .htaccess when this feature is enabled.
# BEGIN Wordfence code execution protection
<IfModule mod_php5.c>
php_flag engine 0
<IfModule mod_php7.c>
php_flag engine 0
AddHandler cgi-script .php .phtml .php3 .pl .py .jsp .asp .htm .shtml .sh .cgi
Options -ExecCGI
# END Wordfence code execution protection
I checked and my host bans there commands:
and also limits Options command (only Indexes is allowed). Is there any way how to solve it and still use the WordFence feature, or disable the code execution some other way? Would, for example, this code do the same job?
<FilesMatch *.(php|phtml|php3|pl|py|jsp|asp|htm|shtml|sh|cgi)>
Deny from all
Thank you for any advice and help.
]]>/ -> public website
/private/ -> private website, only accesible by logged in users
I want to protect the /private/wp-content/uploads/ directory and it’s subdirectories. It should be only accesible by logges in users.
Actually, people can access to next file:
I desire that users not logged in, when try access above file, they are redirect to
I am trying to do it modifing .htaccess file in /private/ directory. However, I have another .htaccess file in / (root) directory. I am following this steps:
However, any modification is ignored. A not logged id user can see the PDF file. Could you help me, please?
I have try next options:
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*private/wp-content/uploads/.*
RewriteRule ^private/wp-content/uploads/(.*)$ dl-file.php?file=$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^.*wp-content/uploads/.*
RewriteRule ^wp-content/uploads/(.*)$ dl-file.php?file=$1 [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s
RewriteRule ^private/wp-content/uploads/(.*)$ dl-file.php?file=$1 [QSA,L]
and another combinations.
Please, help me.
]]>Again, pages and posts work great but I haven’t been able to figure out media. Thanks for any suggestions you may have.
]]>I had two problems:
1. Is there some way to rename the .htaccess file instead of writing it out? For some reason, it always hung with the .htaccess intact, so I used Ark to remove it from the tar file, and then XCloner.php could work.
2. For some reason, it placed the contents of wp-content/uploads into the root directory! I have no idea how this can happen, but it happened again when I restarted the restore (after deleting everything in the directory, of course). I removed all files except the tar file, and I manually extracted out the tar file, which placed the files in the correct directory.
The second problem makes no sense to me. As I said, I’ve done this before on other platforms, and it worked fine. In fact, I had to do some serious database cleanup before the move, so I installed everything on my local Arch machine, did the cleanup, and put everything back online. I had nothing like this happen either time.
]]>Both on existing sites (import from WP 3.4) and new sites (new to WP 3.5), when trying to create a gallery I get this;
Directory wp-content/blogs.dir/{blog_id}/files/ didn’t exist. Please create first the main gallery folder !
WP 3.5 doesn’t use blogs.dir, it uses uploads directory instead?
No matter, I can create blogs.dir, Nextgen then “works”, but none of the images are available in the WP media.
What to do?