In WordPress I installed a plugin, WordFence. When I ran a scan it informed me that 5 of my themes needs to be upgraded. If I upgrade the themes, what will happen to my website? Will my layout change?
In case it helps, the themes are called “Twenty Eleven,” “Twenty Fourteen,” “Twenty Ten,” “Twenty Thirteen,” “Twenty Twelve.”
In WordPress I installed a plugin, WordFence. When I ran a scan it informed me that 5 of my themes needs to be upgraded. If I upgrade the themes, what will happen to my website? Will my layout change?
In case it helps, the themes are called “Twenty Eleven,” “Twenty Fourteen,” “Twenty Ten,” “Twenty Thirteen,” “Twenty Twelve.”
Thank you very much. I lost any technical chops I had many years ago, so appreciate the help.
]]>I cant tell you what version of wordpress I am on unfortunately as I cannot see anything in wp-admin screen
Everything was working fine until I clicked upgrade in the themes window
Please help
Example – this installation cannot upgrade – this installation I can upgrade – this installation I can upgrade
]]>Basically, when I finished, I went to the wp-admin/upgrade.php link and it said that my database has already been upgraded.
When I log back in to the admin, it tells me I need to upgrade to version 2.5.1, which has already been done.
Am I missing something? According to the upgrade guide, I have done everything I was supposed to do, so I need some help?
]]>basically, I ran subversion into a directory called “blognew” then copied the plugins and themes I needed into that directory, and the upgrade process was complete.
however, now its time to upgrade to 2.3.1, so I ran svn update from the command line
and its saying
directory “.” is not a valid svn directory
so…what is the purpose of subversion then? because its not upgrading even when its a subversion copy, this is aggravating, and more difficult then the FTP method in my opinion.
personally, new version notification does me NO good at all, unless it offers a one-click install for me, otherwise its a pain in the butt to have to
download the new tar.gz file
extract it to my HD
upload all the upgraded files individually using FTP (making sure my FTP program uploads them in the correct format, binary or text, that alone is always a lengthy project, sometimes the FTP transfer fails to upload a file or two, so then you end up having to upload the whole thing again)
over dialup this takes forever anyway, especially as large as wordpress is getting.
CPanel’s Fantastico makes all this a breeze normally, but Fantastico has yet to add 2.3.X to its list. Its still using 2.2.X series.
isn’t there an easier way?
I mean, I suppose I could run “wget” from a command promot, and untar it using the tar command, but the tar.gz file doesn’t extract to the current directory, so that won’t work. See what i mean? its frustrating.
and what gets me about it, because I’m not using either of the default themes included with wordpress, thats all I could really do is just “wget” the file, extract it using tar, overwriting existing files. Thats about as easy as it could get besides the Fantastico method, “IF” I could figure out how to extract in the current directory, and not within a subdirectory of the current directory, otherwise you have to copy everything over using
cp *.* ../blog –reply=yes
or something to that effect, otherwise it prompts you for every destination file that already exists, and frankly, its a lengthy time consuming process, took me a whole day to do it without errors last time, and it excluded certain files, so that didn’t really work too well either. isn’t there an easier way?
]]>WordPress database error: [Table ‘auction3_wrdp1.wp_post2cat’ doesn’t exist]
SELECT cat_ID AS ID, MAX(post_modified) AS last_mod FROM wp_posts
p LEFT JOIN wp_post2cat
pc ON p.ID = pc.post_id LEFT JOIN wp_categories
c ON pc.category_id = c.cat_ID WHERE post_status = ‘publish’ GROUP BY cat_ID
Any ideas of how to correct this? It looks like a file added charaters to my already existing database.
Thank you in advance!
]]>Fatal error: Call to undefined function: add_filter() in /home/gmpicket/public_html/wp-includes/default-filters.php on line 4
How do I fix this?