= = = = = =
In line 984 all options added to $alloptions are stored as maybe_serialized before wp_cache_set.
$alloptions[ $option ] = $serialized_value;
wp_cache_set( 'alloptions', $alloptions, 'options' );
In get_option last line options are maybe_unserialized before return.
return apply_filters( "option_{$option}", maybe_unserialize( $value ), $option );
I understand that it makes sense for objects, but not for other types.
As wp_cache_set just adds the alloptions array to the local cache
private $cache = array();
There is no need to serialize the data. It only adds a serialize to an array when being stored (update_option) and it adds an unserialize to EVERY get_option.
filters to log changes there (while making sure to exclude changes to transients), or if we really do need to extend each individual plugin we want to log changes for. Any advice would be appreciated. I have a site where we’d like to track any time someone makes changes to any and all settings in the system, so that we know who made them and when, in case we need to roll something back. Thanks.
]]>update_option( 'elementor_container_width', '1200' );
Now this is deprecated (reference) in 3.0 how can we update the container width setting?
This setting is now removed from the option page and placed in the Site Settings panel and the value can be retrieved via:
\Elementor\Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_current_settings( 'container_width' );
But is there a way to update this just like it was possible before version 3.0?
Also the “elementor_viewport_lg” and “elementor_viewport_md” settings doesn’t seem to change anymore when using the update_option function, while these two are not deprecated according to the developer article.
Appreciate any help on this.
]]>It is likely to be the maybe_serialize() function – one or more of the characters may be causing an incorrect string length count, or something similar to this.
I have test data available to can replicate this error. This is an excerpt:
a:101:{s:45:"1570449412_4_bcb7bc02734e48f0a14afe817e028808";a:16:{s:2:"id";i:1;s:8:"place_id";s:27:"ChIJ37ukkHcFdkgRq7UEJ1_6j5I";s:5:"order";i:1;s:7:"checked";i:1582008103;s:9:"retrieved";i:1582007925;s:8:"imported";b:0;s:13:"time_estimate";b:0;s:6:"status";b:1;s:11:"author_name";s:5:"Naz A";s:10:"author_url";s:65:"https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/117241935186177377572/reviews";s:8:"language";s:2:"en";s:17:"profile_photo_url";s:110:"https://lh4.ggpht.com/-1oyiszUUupc/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/6lWQROyZ-gs/s128-c0x00000000-cc-rp-mo-ba4/photo.jpg";s:6:"rating";i:4;s:25:"relative_time_description";s:12:"4 months ago";s:4:"text";s:331:"They have a lovely wrap selection from 12 - 5. I've always
s:10:"author_url";s:57:"https://www.google.com/maps/contrib/102840331523623566629";s:8:"language";N;s:17:"profile_photo_url";s:110:"https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-8TFGw3UWN30/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/qpEGZELDfFw/s40-c-rp-mo-br100/photo.jpg";s:6:"rating";d:4;s:25:"relative_time_description";s:11:"2 weeks ago";s:4:"text";N;s:4:"time";i:1580774400;s:7:"checked";N;s:9:"retrieved";N;s:8:"imported";i:1582008103;s:13:"time_estimate";b:1;s:6:"status";b:1;}}
All the best,
]]>I am assuming that the array is somehow unacceptable to update_option, but I don’t know what the problem is.
]]>I am a total newbie and have started on a simple plugin which changes the Howdy message – which seems to work.
Then I added in an additional input box on the form where the user can add in a custom message for September.
Was able to successfully create an options array, save initial string (Happy September), retrieve this string and display it in an input box, but for the life of me I can’t figure out how to update it.
Below is my code….
Sorry if it’s all messed up!
if (is_admin())
function wp_customize_howdy()
add_options_page ("Customize Howdy", "Customize Howdy", "manage_options",
basename(__FILE__), "wp_customize_the_howdy_page");
add_action("admin_menu", "wp_customize_howdy");
function wp_customize_the_howdy_page()
$today = date("m.d.y");
$the_month = date ("m");
if (isset($_POST["howdynewtext"]))
$nonce = $_REQUEST["_wpnonce"];
if (! wp_verify_nonce($nonce, "php-the-howdy-text") )
$howdynewtext = $_POST["howdynewtext"];
update_option ("wp_howdynewtext", $howdynewtext);
$wp_howdynewtext = get_option("wp_howdynewtext");
$myOptions = get_option("MyOptions");
$wp_howdyseptext = $myOptions['firstOption'];
<div class="bootstrap-wrapper">
<form action="" method="post" onsubmit="submit_me('howdyseptext')">
<?php wp_nonce_field("php-the-howdy-text"); ?>
<div style="margin:0px;margin-top:20px;">
<h2>Customize the Howdy Message!</h2>
<p>Banish Howdy forever!</p>
<p>Below you can enter a different word for Howdy and
a different message (up to 25 characters) for special dates!</p>
<p>Change Howdy to....
<input type="text" name = "howdynewtext"
value= "<?php echo $wp_howdynewtext; ?>" /></p>
<p>Sep. Message....
<input type="text" name = "howdyseptext"
value= "<?php echo $wp_howdyseptext; ?>" /></p>
<p><input type="submit"
value="Update" class="button-primary control-label col-xs-2"
id="submit" name="submit" /></p>
function submit_me('howdyseptext')
// update_option('myOptions', $myOptions);
// update_option('myOptions', $_POST);
function customize_the_howdy_msg ($wp_admin_bar)
$the_month = date ("m");
$the_day = date ("d");
$my_account = $wp_admin_bar->get_node ("my-account");
$howdynewtext = get_option ("wp_howdynewtext");
$newtitle = str_replace ("Howdy", $howdynewtext, $my_account->title );
$wp_admin_bar->add_node (array(
"id" => "my-account",
"title" => $newtitle,
) );
if (get_option ("wp_howdynewtext"))
add_filter ("admin_bar_menu", "customize_the_howdy_msg", 25);
]]>I currently use this in functions.php to force a crop.
if ( get_option( "medium_crop") !== false ) {
update_option("medium_crop", "1");
} else {
add_option("medium_crop", "1");
It works, but in order to properly remove it you need to replace it with this:
update_option("medium_crop", "0");
I’m now attempting to create a better solution. Using add_settings_section and add_settings_field I’m adding a new “Crop images” section at the bottom of Settings > Media.
The idea being there’s an option to put a check in the box if you want to crop the medium images. If you don’t want to crop them you uncheck the box.
This code is working to create the new section and the checkbox plus label.
function crop_settings_api_init() {
// Add the section to media settings
'Crop images',
// Add the fields to the new section
'Medium size crop',
register_setting( 'media', 'medium_cropping' );
} // crop_settings_api_init()
add_action( 'admin_init', 'crop_settings_api_init' );
// Settings section callback function
function crop_settings_callback_function() {
echo '<p>Choose whether to also crop the medium size image</p>';
// Callback function for our medium crop setting
function crop_medium_callback_function() {
echo '<input name="medium_crop" type="checkbox" id="medium_crop" value="1"';
$mediumcrop = get_option( "medium_crop");
if ( $mediumcrop == 1 ) {
echo ' checked';
echo '/>';
echo '<label for="medium_crop">Crop medium to exact dimensions</label>';
However, how do I now merge this with the update_option code, so that once a user clicks “Save Changes” it updates the database?
One important thing I should mention is, I think medium_crop is a standard option, so when I’ve added my settings field I’ve called it “medium_cropping”, I’m not sure about this but then I don’t know how to add the field without add_settings_field or how to use add_settings_field when the option already exists.
Any help by anyone with knowledge of working with the Settings API and existing options would be much appreciated.
]]>This happens in /lib/WC/Plugin/ObjectCache.php
in the W3_Plugin_ObjectCache
function on_change_option($option) {
static $flushed = false;
if (!$flushed) {
if ($option != 'cron') {
$flush = w3_instance('W3_CacheFlush');
$flushed = true;
There is no way to hook in and prevent the flushing from happening for option updates, contrary to the post update flushing which offers a hook in the w3_is_flushable_post
In my case, the problem is caused by the WP Slimstat plugin which updates the slimstat_visit_id
option on every visit to the site. So the result is that my whole object cache gets flushed several times per minute, rendering it useless.
So my question is, could possibly make a hook to prevent the object cache from flushing on every option update? Possibly by filtering on the option name.
Also I’m curious, why the need to flush the whole object cache on updates to a site option, or to all post updates? It seems to me that WP Core already uses the wp_cache_delete on a per item basis to invalidate all its entries in the object cache? Both when it comes to posts, meta, and options.
This issue has been discussed before here:
Although unlikely to be abused, its good practice to do so.
]]>The idea is to get the current list of active widgets from using get_option(‘sidebar_widgets’) then add an element to the array for the main sidebar, and use update_options() to write the new value to sidebar_widgets. In pseudo-code:
$sb = ‘sidebar-1’; // the sidebar id to place the widget into
$widget_sets = get_option(‘sidebars_widgets’, array());
// a foreach loop makes sure the sidebar isn’t already specified
// if not, use array_unshift to add the widget name
// to the sidebar in the first position
// Since the widget has no settings it shouldn’t matter
// what the instance number of the widget is, so append -1
update_option(‘sidebars_widgets’, $widget_sets);
A print_r() and a manual inspection of the table with PHPmyAdmin both confirm that the sidebar_widgets array now has my_neaux_widget listed, but it doesn’t show up in the sidebar.
What is the missing step? If you drag the widget into the sidebar manually, sidebar_widgets is exactly equal to what my code puts there.
Is there a cache that needs to be flushed? Some other option that needs tweaking? The widgets page uses an AJAX call to instantiate the widget. What does that code do differently than update_option()?