Sorry to bother you, I encounter an issue configuring restrictions with the plugin.
I created several roles and would like to forbid access to some of them. The problem I encounter is that unlogged in customers cannot access the articles I restrict… I do not have a role “guest” or “unsigned in” “unregistered” or else that could be checked to allow them to access the content…
Is it normal not to have the “guest” role (could I have deleted it earlier ? I feel like it would be the same as customers and admin, roles I cannot delete). If the role does not exists, is it possible to create a role that would concerne every unsigned users (guests), even if I let the default role on customer for people creating an account…
I hope that my question is clear, do not hesitate to ask me if you need any other information.
Thanks in advance for any help you could give me, and best regards !
]]>I’m trying to fix a dropdown menu in the Unsigned theme so that:
– the background color of the dropdown menu would be black
– hovering over a given dropdown meny item would keep the background black instead of making it transparent like it seems to do now
How could I do this?
Thank you!
]]>the theme I like is this one:
]]>I’ve been reading through forums here addressing the same issue, and trying to fix this problem literally all day and just can’t get it!
My goal is to make a Child theme of the theme Unsigned by woothemes. I’m hosted by, filezilla is my ftp server, and I’m doing ccs in Textwrangler. My style.css file currently looks like this:
Theme Name: Unsigned Child
Description: Child theme for the unsigned theme
Author: K Eresman
Template: unsigned
It’s saved as a WIndows CLRF instead of Unix LR since I read that would do it, but it did nothing. I tried capitalizing the Template name- nothing.
I just downloaded filezilla today, and just learned what FTP is today. I’m completely new to this. But despite my extended research and attempts today, I’ve gotten nowhere!
If anyone can alleviate my pain with a solution, I would be eternally grateful!
]]>My website ( looks great in Chrome, but horrible in Internet Explorer! Is there a way to fix this?
For the record, I’m using the Unsigned theme from WooThemes.
Thank you!
]]>2. How do I change background photos for each page?