Quick question – when I enable the unread icon for my forums it appears on its own line, with the forum title underneath. Any reason you can think of as to why?
]]>Plugin Information is attached below.
Plugin Information
WP version 5.5.1
Theme Sparkling 2.4.7
PHP version 7.4.9
bbPress version 2.6.5
site url https://XXX
Active Plugins Name and Version
– p1 bbP private groups 3.8.4
– p2 bbp style pack 4.6.8
– p3 bbPress Topic Thumbnails 1.2
– p4 bbPress 2.6.5
– p5 BuddyPress Clear Notifications 1.0.4
– p6 BuddyPress Members only 2.8.1
– p7 BuddyPress 6.3.0
– p8 Content Control 1.1.4
– p9 Democracy Poll 5.5.8
– p10 FancyBox for WordPress 3.2.8
– p11 Image Upload for BBPress 1.1.16
– p12 Invite Anyone 1.4.1
– p13 No Right Click Images Plugin 3.5
– p14 Peter’s Login Redirect 2.9.7
– p15 Post SMTP 2.0.15
– p16 Protect Uploads 0.3
– p17 WP Multibyte Patch 2.9
bsp_login a:1:{s:9:”update448″;s:1:”1″;}
bsp_breadcrumb a:9:{s:18:”no_home_breadcrumb”;s:1:”1″;s:13:”Home_IconSize”;s:0:””;s:14:”Home_IconColor”;s:0:””;s:18:”Breadcrumb HomeURL”;s:0:””;s:18:”no_root_breadcrumb”;s:1:”1″;s:19:”Breadcrumb RootText”;s:0:””;s:18:”Breadcrumb RootURL”;s:0:””;s:22:”Breadcrumb CurrentText”;s:0:””;s:6:”repeat”;s:1:”1″;}
bsp_style_settings_unread a:11:{s:15:”unread_activate”;s:1:”1″;s:11:”unread_icon”;s:1:”1″;s:10:”unread_url”;s:1:”1″;s:9:”read_icon”;s:1:”1″;s:8:”read_url”;s:0:””;s:13:”unread_amount”;s:1:”1″;s:18:”unread_description”;s:0:””;s:13:”hide_on_index”;s:1:”1″;s:8:”optinout”;s:1:”1″;s:10:”optin_desc”;s:0:””;s:11:”optout_desc”;s:0:””;}
css location https://XXX/wp-content/plugins/bbp-style-pack/css/
I am testing your theme before purchasing. I’m using your CSS class method to add the Unread message count to WP Menu. This works, but it only shows the unread count on the actual Message page. Any other page I only get the Nav Title (before the <span>.
My nav title is this:
<span class=”fep_unread_message_count”></span> Messages
Functions.php is this
add_filter(‘fep_filter_notification_call_on_ready’, ‘__return_true’ );
Please help!
]]>At present, the Postie recommends that it be set so that email messages be deleted on the server, after they have been posted.
If there emails are not left on the server, then there is no record/backup of the email.
If the setting is changed so that email is left on the server, then Postie continues to download the emails and post them repeatedly, making duplicates at what ever the checking interval time is.
This is because Postie has no setting to restrict them emails that it converts to posts, by only checking the “unread” or “as yet un-downloaded” emails.
It would be handy to have capability & settings in Postie to;
a) only download the unread emails (to avoid duplicates, while leaving copies on the server). This setting could alternatively be called “leave originals on server”.
b) re-download all emails and convert to postings
This allows the use of the emails as a backup, if ever the website gets a major revamp and the postings are damaged, or the whole blogging section has been deleted.
c) the content for the website can be created even well before the website is designed, and when the website is designed, then Postie will automatically add in all the content. No nonsense for the copy writers or the usual staff.
Additional Feature might be to allow control of message flushing from the email account, after a predetermined time delay.
]]>The form notifications are coming into my inbox already read. This means I am likely to miss it as it looks like i’ve already read it.
I’m guessing this is happening because I am essentially sending myself an email. As a work around I have tried an auto-forward via a 3rd party, e.g. send the notification to my yahoo account > yahoo autoforwards to my gmail. But again even with this forward it’s not working … in fact the auto-forward doesn’t coming in at all. The original email is just sitting there in my send items. (It’s not an incorrect auto-forward rule as test emails come through just fine).
Any ideas?