I feel like I’ve really given it some time as I know I can be resistant to change, but it’s been years and I still hate working with it.
]]>Then you’re in luck! You will love Gutenberg!
Seriously though, devs… at least add visible group outlines, or the ability to drag things in outline view, or a teensy little debounce, or SOMETHING to make this editor less painful to use. The thing was released over a year ago.
]]>If you show up on the settings section with a specific task in mind, expect to spend 30 minutes figuring out how to do that task. That’s a very bad sign — the most common use cases should be immediately visible, with less common use cases deeper in the settings section.
The first two tabs are just a mishmash of promotion of BluBrry’s own items, like “Podcast Insider by Blubrry” and “Blubrry’s FREE Basic Statistics”. That sort of promotional stuff belongs at the BOTTOM.
When you finally get to real settings on the third tab, vaguely named “website”, the second option is “Skip Media Verification”. Is that really your 2nd most common use-case? It’s just tab after tab, and menu after menu of checkboxes that don’t make sense at first read, and are rarely core features.
Furthermore, they are in no discernable order. They’re not in order by popularity as they should be, nor are the even in alphabetical order. It’s pretty clear that settings and checkboxes are just added wherever.
Very much due for a complete UX overhaul.
]]>You are better-off getting your Amazon links from their affiliate website.
]]>I also found the back end clunky and unintuitive (compared to other polling plugins I tested).
But what I found really irritating is that after testing MANY polling plugins, all of them cleaned up after themselves upon deactivating and uninstalling, except this one. It left 20 tables in the database. Please please please set an option for someone uninstalling this to remove the tables from the database.