Images that are above 1MB get automatically compressed on upload.
Images that are smaller than 1MB are added to the database in their raw form.
So, if someone uploaded a 900 KB image, the post will display a 900 KB image.
On this website, all content is user generated.
Both posts and comments have many images.
They have to be automatically compressed by WordPress on upload.
Please, tell me how to change this setting so that all image sizes are compressed.
]]>WP only compresses uploaded images larger than 1 megabyte.
How do I tell it to compress every image on upload?
All content is user generated. They upload photos that are 2 – 4 Mb to posts and comments.
All of this gets compressed by LiteSpeed.
But, a lot of the images are screenshots, which can be hundreds of Kbs and pass uncompressed.
How do I change this?
How do I transfer the autoptimized file compressed? I have entered everything correctly in the htaccess, because the other CSS and JS files are transmitted cleanly compressed.
Thx in advance
Thank you for your advice!
68 issues with uncompressed JavaScript and CSS files
Sexual Harassment Lawyer & Employment Law | Michael O. Shea, P.C. CSS 7 Sep 2019 (12:43)
Sexual Harassment Lawyer & Employment Law | Michael O. Shea, P.C. CSS 7 Sep 2019 (12:43)
Sexual Harassment Lawyer & Employment Law | Michael O. Shea, P.C. CSS 7 Sep 2019 (12:43)
Sexual Harassment Lawyer & Employment Law | Michael O. Shea, P.C. CSS 7 Sep 2019 (12:43)
Age Discrimination in the Workplace | Michael Shea | Employment Lawyer CSS 7 Sep 2019 (12:43)
After testing my website’s speed on the Google’s Speed Test I found out that the images from the WP Instagram Widget are uncompressed and slow down the website. Is there anyway to solve this issue?
Thank you,
We activated Falcon Engine on the new website of my client (, we didn’t see any differences, so we enable the debug mode and here is what it says :
<!– Cached by Wordfence Falcon Engine. Time created on server: 2015-08-07 13:29:21 UTC. Is HTTPS page: no. Page size: 40696 bytes. Host: Request URI: / Encoding: Uncompressed –>
It seems it’s uncompressed. Do you know the reason ? Is it normal ?
Thank you very much,
]]>I want to use Photon to offload my images to the WordPress CDN, but I am having a problem. When using Photon, the images are NOT compressed.
I have been doing some testing using Pingdom’s Website Speed Test to try and optimize my site. Photon appears to serve the images from multiple domains, but the file sizes are MUCH larger than when using the EWWW Image Optimizer plugin.
You can compare the differences below:
When comparing the 2 sites, you will see that many of the images are 2 to 4 times LARGER using Photon.
Am I doing something wrong? I really would like to use the Photon feature of JetPack, but the images are just TOO BIG.
Please help,