I deleted all unattached images. Turned out half my images disappeared. Now I’m kinda scared to do it again, while I know I have a few that actually ARE unattached. How do I now figure out (in a fast way) which ones are save to delete, or is this weird bug-thing something I can fix??
]]>Do you plan any further updates on this plugin in near future?
Many thanks ahead.
]]>You’ll see I’ve labeled images “1,” “2,” and “3.” Each of these are “unattached,” but each is being used.
#1 – Being used by widget in the footer
#2 – Being used by the theme for the front page hero area
#3 – Being used by a “coming soon” plugin
Now, here’s my concern. If I simply delete all media that is “unattached,” then even media being used will be deleted. However, I’m not exactly sure which of the “unattached” media are being used. When I try attaching the media, it wants to know to which post or page it’s to be attached. However, the answer is “none.”
Is there a way to tell which media are being used, not just “unattached”?
]]>DNUI found them all, I screened them, now there gone
Warning: If a plugin is used to import posts and images those most likely won’t be seen as “Used” and will show as “Not Used”
]]>i only had 20 photos. so uploaded all of them again using the plugin, then went to every post .
clicked on the image, then clicked replace and replaced it with the new uploaded one .
they are working on the website, but that Unattached makes me very worry
why they appear as Unattached . and how to fix that
]]>Today I had to re-upload wordpress again, so I deleted through FTP the whole site, uploaded the new wp, connect it to my old db (from yesterday).
I can see my posts, but no images.
I uploaded again all images through the uploader and made sure it’s the same location(2014/09).
I can see the new images in media library, but “unattached”.
In posts: the images not shown, only the path (…uploads/2014/09).
What can be done??
]]>Because my posts are time limited competitions I have the post gong to trash after the competition closes and then after I delete the posts I can go to media library select unattached and just clear the library of old unneeded images.
WordPress 4.0 no longer attaches images so when I go to media library and select unattached I get all images of posts that I have just published.
Is there a quick and easy way to revert back to 3.9 because this issue with 4.0 will cause me major problems and add substantially to my site management time.
]]>Here is what I see when I try to attach an image to a page. The window comes up blank (no radio buttons for pages or posts and no list of existing pages): https://www.markhannondesign.com/clientJobs/attach_Window.jpg
This is a custom theme built from the Starkers theme. Here is what I tried so far:
What should mt next troubleshooting step be to find the problem? My client would like to go live with their site by Oct. 2 so I am hoping to resolve this sometime over the weekend.