I would like to get a SPLASH SCREEN Shortcode when I click on a BUTTON Shortcode.
I tried with JavaScript in “onclick” section of BUTTON Shortcode and tried to understand how to convert a SPLASH SCREEN Shortcode into url to insert in “url” section of BUTTON Shortcode… Didn’t find any solution yet…
I’am using ELEMENTOR PRO to call SHORTCODEs.
Thx for your help
]]>[su_posts posts_per_page=”5″ taxonomy=”post_tag” tax_term=”36,34,50″ tax_operator=”2″ order=”desc” ignore_sticky_posts=”yes”]
Where tags:
36 = “F1”
34 = “F-jeugd”
50 = “Seizoen 2016-2017”
It will NOT show me a list of 5 messages which contain these tags, instead it just shows the last 5 messages…??
I have at least 1 message using tags 36, 34 and 50.
function: %buy_button%
[su_button url="#" style="3d" background="#3aab19" size="5" wide="yes" center="yes" icon="icon: global" desc="Teste o conteúdo ao vivo!" onclick="%buy_button%"]O download custa %price% %plural%[/su_button]
[su_button url="https://google.com.br" target="blank" style="3d" background="#3aab19" size="5" wide="yes" center="yes" icon="icon: global" text_shadow="0px 0px 0px #000000" desc="Teste o conteúdo ao vivo!"]Demo Online[/su_button]
]]>I have been working on a menu with css and would like to insert it into a site as a shortcode. (https://www.albanystrategicmarketing.com/crossroads/). I’d like the bottom menu in white to show up in the content under the slider – which is also a shortcode.
Whomever built the WordPress site leaves me a lot to fix – it’s a fairly chaotic css.
Any help would be great.
]]>The API (https://gndev.info/kb/shortcodes-ultimate-api-overview/) allows to have select, text, color and bool as fields.
I wonder if anyone tried to integrate font awesome icon picker as a field in the plugin.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I am trying to use an icon for an unordered list. It allows me to select the icon, but when I look at the page it does not display the icon.
Is there something that I am missing here? What can I do to fix this without hurting my self (LOL) or my site?
Thanks in advance.
Images are at the bottom in 2 columns