I recently switched my theme to Customizr. Immediately a plugin I depend on stopped working. After contacting the plugin developer, she informed me that the functions that weren’t working correctly were due to the theme stripping all HTML of classes, which led to the plugin not being able to position the images correctly.
Here are the main problems I’m experiencing:
1. The book cover won’t switch sides when I attempt to do so in the UBB settings, despite “updating successfully”.
2. Only the book title and author appear next to the book cover whilst the rest of the info only appears below the cover.
3. The book cover appears after the Dropcap, breaking the first sentence (or word) apart.
The Plugin I am using is the “Ultimate Book Blogger” plugin.
You can find an example post here: https://wp.me/p4Ag7r-17D
Thank you in advance!
For more detail, I have a infopop ubb.threads message board. I’ve been using one forum on that message board as a blog for …oh… about 10 years now, in the program’s various states — long before I ever knew of a wordpress type software.
Now, however… I DO know of WP! And, having used it on a number of other sites, I know that it is much, much better suited for the blog. So now, I would like to relocate my blog into a WP format.
My question: how do I do that?
The message board has a number of other posts/users on it, that I will NOT need to take with me. It is only the one forum that I’d like to copy to WP.
Think its possible?
]]>I’ve tried this but it only shows…
<?php echo do_shortcode('thumb'); ?>https://cnn.com<?php echo do_shortcode('/thumb'); ?>
Please help. I can’t find the solution…Thanks.
]]>Page/post writers must be able to place defined tags/ubb in a post or page. When a user enters [includeScriptToHead]path/to/script.js[/includeScriptToHead]. The path to the script has to be replaced and used withing the <script> tag. This <script> tag must be outputted in wp_head. So we get something like this for example:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”path/to/script.js”></script>
I can do a preg_replace_all() when I add a hook to the_content and save the output to a session for later use in wp_head. But wp_head isn’t called anymore after the_content. So I was thinking to get the page/post content in my wp_hook function extension, but I can’t find out how to get the content there.
I hope my description is clear enough. If not, let me know.
Thanks allot!