I have WordPress website with the qTranslate plugin and two languages.
The main language it’s English the second language it’s Germany.
I have two domains ( www.courses.co.uk and www.courses.de):
Main english domain it’s on www.courses.co.uk (in here I have WordPress website with two languages.)
When I use Use Pre-Path Mode (Default, puts /en/ in front of URL). SEO friendly. Everything it’s wortking fine. After change language I have
www.courses.co.uk for english version and www.courses.co.uk/de/ for Germany language.
The germany domain what I have it’s www.courses.de
I would like to have option when you change language to germany you have different domain www.courses.de and when you change language to English you have www.courses.co.uk
How can I do that?
I founded option in qTranslate “Use Per-Domain mode: specify separate user-defined domain for each language.” where I paste this both domains.
But when I change to different language (Germany) it’s going to empty folder on my server where I have this domain.
What else I need to do with domain www.courses.de ??
Do I need to do any pointing domain www.courses.de to www.courses.co.uk or do some changes on DNS? Or maybe add some code in .httaccess?
Any one can help me with that?
]]>A couple of weeks ago I could make invoices in the German language, but now that seems impossible. A couple of days ago strange enough my invoices and packing slips were only in German for Dutch orders! I only got it in Dutch again by deactivating and activating the plugin……
What could be wrong here? How do I get the possibility back to get the invoices and packing slips in both languages again? WPML advised me to contact you for a final solution.
Hope to get an answer soon!
]]>I have to build a wordpress website for a client.
Using one domain and one backend, but having two languages (dutch and french)
Two languages only have to show on front-end.
But must be able to enter text for both languages in one backend.
What plugin is suitable for this?
]]>My form shows two forms: one that has my language and one in english:
see it here:
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]]>I’ve just downloaded premium wordpress theme that I installed on my website. I was advised to change WPLANG to ru-RU to translate on some of this theme features (like names of months in blog posts etc.). I would like to know how I can keep my admin dashboard in english and keep my website in russian.
Thanks for advice!
]]>I am trying to create two horizontal menu bars so that I can have two languages on this website (German and English). https://www.artboxcouture.com/
I have created both menus in the menu section in the wordpress admin panel and added this function to my functions.php file.
/ Create a function for register_nav_menus()
function add_wp3menu_support() {
'main-menu' => __('Main Navigation'),
'another-menu' => __('Another Navigation')
The German menu is primary and is displaying on the website. I would the the ‘another navigation’ menu or the English menu to appear once the user clicks on English and then on all of the English pages. I am not quire sure what needs to be added to functions.php and/or header.php for this to happen. Here is what I have though:
add_action('init', 'add_wp3menu_support');
function show_menu() {
if ( is_page('English') )
if ( has_nav_menu( 'another-menu' ) )
{ wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'another-menu' ) ); }
wp_nav_menu( array(
'theme_location' => 'main-menu', // Setting up the location for the main-menu, Main Navigation.
'menu_class' => 'dropdown', //Adding the class for dropdowns
'container_id' => 'navwrap', //Add CSS ID to the containter that wraps the menu.
'fallback_cb' => 'wp_page_menu', //if wp_nav_menu is unavailable, WordPress displays wp_page_menu function, which displays the pages of your blog.
Thank you for your help!