My preference is to make the change in the child’s functions.php.
This is the coding for the previous link that is currently in twentytwelve’s single.php:
<?php previous_post_link( '%link', '<span class="meta-nav">' . _x( '←', 'Previous post link', 'twentytwelve' ) . '</span> %title' ); ?>
This is what I’d like to do to change it by adding title=”next post: \’%title\’ on %date” to the spans surrounding the links.
I’ve stared at several different tutorials on creating child themes and using the child’s functions file to make changes. I’ve also stared at the wordpress codex pages on child themes, functions, etc.
I also looked at, but could see nothing on that page about adding title specs.
My grasp of php is shaky at best. Do I have to include the whole section of code? or can I simply take the single lines and do something like the following in my child’s functions file?
I tried the following in my child’s functions file but it threw a blank page:
function childof2012-fix_prev-specs( $fix_prev-specs ) {
if ( $fix_prev-specs == '<span class="nav-previous">' ) {
$fix_prev-specs = '<span class="nav-previous" title="previous post: \'%title\' on %date">';
return $fix_prev-specs;
add_filter( 'gettext', 'childof2012-fix_prev-specs', 20 );
What have I missed? I look forward to any help that can be offered.
-E Morris, etherwork [dot] net [slash] blog ← purposely left unlinked in an attempt to keep spammers at bay
At this point, I am seeing zero content when going to the archive page on my child of twenty twelve theme
I foolishly imagined that I could add the following to the child’s content.php but this (of course it did) caused the whole blog to display zero content below the blog header.
<?php if ( is_archive() ) : // Display titles only ?>
<li><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a> <small>(<?php the_date(); ?>)</small></li>
<?php endif; // is_archive() ?>
Could someone point to a page that explains how to use functions.php in a child theme?
Alternatively, how do I get the child to use the twenty twelve archive.php?
-E Morris, etherwork dot net slash blog (purposely unlinked in an attempt to keep spammers at bay)
]]>I would prefer to do as much customization as possible using the child’s functions.php and the child’s stylesheet. The whole reason that I’m making this switch is that the theme I created myself, using WordPress codex, suddenly and inexplicably threw a blank white page a couple of days ago. I do not understand coding well enough to be able to find the problem. It seems essential that because of my less than skilled PHP coding skills, I want to use any updates that appear on twentytwelve to keep the inner workings of my wordpress as safe as possible from marauders.
I do understand how to add an image via the stylesheet but do not know how to resize it within the css. Can someone point me to a page on how to do that?
Thank you.
-E Morris, etherwork dot net slash blog ? purposely left unlinked in attempt to keep spammers at bay (no more bruteforce attacks for me please….)
</div><!– #main .wrapper –>
<footer id=”colophon” role=”contentinfo”>
<div class=”site-info”>
<?php do_action( ‘twentytwelve_credits’ ); ?>
” title=”<?php esc_attr_e( ‘Semantic Personal Publishing Platform’, ‘twentytwelve’ ); ?>”><?php printf( __( ‘Proudly powered by %s’, ‘twentytwelve’ ), ‘WordPress’ ); ?>
© 2015 SDA Seattle. All rights reserved.
</div><!– .site-info –>
</footer><!– #colophon –>
</div><!– #page –>
<?php wp_footer(); ?>
When I inserted that copyright text, the site title and the sub-title color changed to blue. How do I get the site title to return to red color, like it was originally in twentytwelve theme?
My site is
]]>so, i also have the homepage now programmed to create two columns thx to this site is awesome,
my issue is: right now both categories of posts are showing up in the first column only.
any idea why? how can i fix it?
]]>Does anyone have experience with this apparently popular plugin?
This is the site I’m trying to show grouped categories on:
It now displays just a test of the simple ungrouped ‘AVG Categories’ widget (although a test of an ‘AVH Categories: Category Groups’ is also set to display but does not appear).
Asked for help to no avail on the plugin’s page three weeks ago:
(the problem seems to occur when selecting a specific group of categories rather than ‘all’ in the ‘AVH Categories: Category Groups’ widget…)
thanks for your help
thank you
How can I embed that table in a twenty twelve-child theme’s footer, for this (still very rough) site here:
(Also, in order to expand the same color across the entire footer, the table of sliced images from Photoshop is embedded within another table set to a width of 100% sharing the same color…so the background color will expand across the entire footer area within a browser…is there a more elegant way to achieve this?)
And where should the image slices be kept, in order to facilitate easy updating with new child themes such as twentythirteen-child, etc? right now image slices are in a folder called ‘footer_images’ in another folder called ‘er_custom’ which is then placed in the WordPress ‘themes’ folder. Should this be done differently?
thank you
]]>I am currently working on a TwentyTwelve Child Theme and would appreciate some direction/best parctise advice to have the First Front Page Widget Area display only posts from a single category?
I have looked at many ways to do this including:
// Adding the php get_posts() with relevant parameters to the page template.
// Using a 3rd party plugin such as “Featured Category Posts Widget” or other similar ones.
// Or presumably create a new function in the Child Themes functions.php and assign it to the widget area somehow.
All of these approaches, whilst seemingly feasible don’t appear to be optimal and (arguably) are not making best use of functionality that is already present.
There is already a “Recent Posts” widget available and I simply want to select a single category for it to output. Therefore would the best approach be to create a duplicate of the “Recent Posts” widget and add the filter for the category I want to display and rename the duplicate widget to “Recent Posts:News” for example?
Apologies for the long-winded question, but I am begining to liken this to skinning a cat and would be really grateful for direction.
]]>I am working on a new Twentytwelve Child theme.
It seems fine until I look at it on my mobile (iPhone) device.
The Header area, Navigation area and the Call and email buttons are not showing as they do using my PC.
They are out of place.
I have been all through the CSS and Child CSS but have not discovered why this occurring.
The site is:
If anyone has any idea’s, I would be very grateful hearing from you.
Many thanks in advance for your help and assistance.