I am using child theme of 2011. Any help would be highly appreciated.
I put the @import line in the style.css file inside the twentyeleven-child folder.
So far, so good.
I then modified a copy of footer.php, and put that in the same twentyeleven-child folder.
I activated the Twenty Eleven Child theme.
Chaos is the result: the site appears broken, and has some miscellaneous text displaying here and there. All I did in the footer.php file is to change some text in the div#site-generator.
If I make the same changes in footer.php, and load the new file into the twentyeleven folder (NOT the child folder) it works normally, and shows my changes.
I suspect I am missing something here.
TIA for your suggestions!
]]>Have copied/pasted and re-arranged header.php a bit, so that I could get a full-screen width header.
How can I put the #site-title and #access menu on the same line (i.e ‘horizontally align them’)?
A flawed work around is to apply a negative/minus top margin, although this really messes things up when viewing the website on smaller screens.
I’ve tried applying some of the same rules to get the #site-description (currently “display: none”) to appear next to the #site-title, but it didn’t work for #access.
Test site: https://kevinhays.com/childthemetest/
]]>What could be causing it not to show up as header image?
]]>I need to remove the ‘Featured’, ‘Date’ and ‘Comments’ from my Twenty Eleven child theme sticky post that I have on my landing page.
I am finding it hard to find any information that show what functions I will need to override and what files they reside in. Does anyone know what I need to override and help point me in the right direction.
I’m thinking something like the if statement below, but will probably be more than this alone!!
if(is_sticky()){ //remove 'Featured', 'Date' and 'Comments' }
view source code below from firebug, thanks in advance!
Post header
<article id="post-190" class="post-190 post type-post status-publish format-standard sticky hentry category welcome">
<header class="entry-header">
<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="https://localhost/sitename" title="Permalink to name" rel="bookmark">Photography</a></h2>
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<span class="sep">Posted on </span><a href="https://localhost/sitename/" title="5:33 pm" rel="bookmark"><time class="entry-date" datetime="2012-12-06T17:33:09+00:00" pubdate>December 6, 2012</time></a><span class="by-author"> <span class="sep"> by </span> <span class="author vcard"><a class="url fn n" href="https://localhost/sitename/author/user/" title="View all posts by user" rel="author">user</a></span></span> </div><!-- .entry-meta -->
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]]>I’ve just started using word press to design a website and know i’m a little stuck
I’ve followed every tutorial regarding creating a child theme (in my case twenty eleven) however when I go to my page,
There is a problem with the format????
This is the code i’ve used:
Theme Name: Twentyeleven Child
Description: Child theme for the twentyeleven theme
Template: twentyeleven
@import url(“../twentyten/style.css”);
please please any help would be greatly appreciated!
Many Thanks
]]>I’m using Twenty Eleven Child Theme. Since I have updated wordpress and the theme, my blog appears not working as it did in the past.
At first, I have deactivated the plugins and the theme. When I have activated them, it didn’t work as before.
Categories didn’t appear, even though I have placed them in the widget on the right sidebar.
Now I have this problem:
Why is the sidebar different from the homepage to the post pages?
If you click on the blog at www.drawingfashionillustrations.com you can see the categories are on top and there is not the suscribe button.
If you click on ABOUT and on each single post, you can see my blog as it should be.
In the widget section, everything appears correct.
What do I need to change in order to view the homepage in the correct way?
Thanks a lot.