]]>Thanks in advance.
]]>Also is there a similar snippet for the [swpm_mini_login] widget, to hide the Join Us link?
]]>2- Is there a way to disable the underline effect on the menu options when mousing over them?
Thanks in advance!
]]>2) When posting with a quote in a post the new message gets ‘absorbed’ into the quote so you have to resort to entering ‘source code’ mode to strip out the divs etc.
3) The signature needs a different font/size to show it’s a signature. At the moment it almost looks like it’s part of the post text.
]]>A validation check for system-tweaks failed. The File Writing Permissions value is missing. This could be due to a problem with the iThemes Security installation or an invalid modification. Please reinstall iThemes Security and try again.
A validation check for system-tweaks failed. The PHP in Uploads value is missing. This could be due to a problem with the iThemes Security installation or an invalid modification. Please reinstall iThemes Security and try again.
A validation check for system-tweaks failed. The PHP in Plugins value is missing. This could be due to a problem with the iThemes Security installation or an invalid modification. Please reinstall iThemes Security and try again.
A validation check for system-tweaks failed. The PHP in Themes value is missing. This could be due to a problem with the iThemes Security installation or an invalid modification. Please reinstall iThemes Security and try again.
A validation function for system-tweaks received data that did not have the required entry for write_permissions.
A validation function for system-tweaks received data that did not have the required entry for uploads_php.
A validation function for system-tweaks received data that did not have the required entry for themes_php.
A validation function for system-tweaks received data that did not have the required entry for plugins_php.
The settings could not be saved. Please correct the errors above and try again.
I tried to re-install plugin without any success.
Please help me to solve my issue.
]]>First, I added the custom css: .swn_banner{ min-height:50px; height:auto;} This allows the notice to stretch higher to fit 2 lines or more.
Second, the close button image did not display when going more than one page deep in my site. It needs the background url to have the whole site address. example:
.closeButton{background:url(‘’) no-repeat center center;} Actually, if someone smarter than me could code the wordpress magic that would replace the it would be even better.
These modifications make the plugin work great on my desktop and mobile.
Finally, I had the plugin enable/disable button stretching all the way down the page in the admin panel like someone else mentioned before. So I added the following code to the end of the bootstrap-switch.min.css file:
.bootstrap-switch{height:30px !important;}
.bootstrap-switch-container{height: 30px !important;}
I believe this was already mentioned, but 30px works better for me than the 50px someone mentioned.
And I increased the input box size of the text message and custom css to 125 by editing the sitewide-settings-page.php on around line 105 size=”50″ to size=”125″ and around line 135 cols=”50″ to cols=”125″. This gave me more room to type the message and custom css.
Now for the actual support question. Any way to use cookies to remember if the user closes the notice, so it doesn’t keep popping back up each time a new page is visited or current page is refreshed? Would be even better if I could specify time to show again, for instance, have a admin setting in days or hours. So if I say 1 day, then after one day, the user cookie would allow the popup again, but then when closed, stay closed for 1 day again repeating this cycle as long as I have that current site wide message active.