I have been using Tutor LMS Pro and noticed that it does not provide a built-in email template for password reset emails. While other email notifications are customizable within the plugin, the password reset email seems to rely on the default WordPress email template.
Is there any way to customize the password reset email specifically for Tutor LMS users? If not, are there any recommended workarounds or third-party plugins that integrate well with Tutor LMS for this purpose?
Any guidance on this would be greatly appreciated.
]]>great addon for tutor lms! We just have issues to get the course enrollment box and the course benefits to show in front end when using elementor pro themebuilder and loop grid for included courses. It shows in the theme builder editor, but not in front end. I have seen there has been a problem already posted a view months ago and would really need to get this to work.
Thank you in advance,
function obtener_tipo_documento_usuario_certificado() {
if ( is_user_logged_in() && function_exists(‘tutor_utils’)) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$course_id = tutor_utils()->course_id();
$document_type = get_user_meta($user_id, ‘_u_document_type’, true);
if (!empty($document_type)) {
return $document_type;
} else {
return 'No se ha encontrado el tipo de documento del usuario.';
} else {
return 'El usuario no ha iniciado sesión o Tutor LMS no está activo.';
add_shortcode(‘tipo_documento_usuario_certificado’, ‘obtener_tipo_documento_usuario_certificado’);
function obtener_numero_documento_usuario_certificado() {
if ( is_user_logged_in() && function_exists(‘tutor_utils’)) {
$user_id = get_current_user_id();
$course_id = tutor_utils()->course_id();
$document_numb = get_user_meta($user_id, ‘_u_document_numb’, true);
if (!empty($document_numb)) {
return $document_numb;
} else {
return 'No se ha encontrado el número de documento del usuario.';
} else {
return 'El usuario no ha iniciado sesión o Tutor LMS no está activo.';
add_shortcode(‘numero_documento_usuario_certificado’, ‘obtener_numero_documento_usuario_certificado’);
Here you can see that if the values are printed in WordPress: https://prnt.sc/nUTeqV0CdOGK and screenshot of the certificate where the shortcodes don’t work.
When I tried to change the profile settings, Want to add additional data, or if I reset the password. Nothing changes.
Moreover, On mobile the menu button on dashbaord page is also not working. I cannot see any dashboard options because of this.
(Note: When I deactivate the Tutor LMS pro then the settings works properly which means there is an issue in your Tutor LMS pro plugin )
When I tried to change the profile settings, Want to add additional data, or if I reset the password. Nothing changes.
Moreover, On mobile the menu button on dashbaord page is also not working. I cannot see any dashboard options because of this.
(Note: When I deactivate the Tutor LMS pro then the settings works properly which means there is an issue in your Tutor LMS pro plugin )
]]>How is it possible to have private files for the students in a specific course? I have Tutor LMS Pro but I cannot find a way to do this.
If I upload an attachment in the lesson, the URL of the attachment is public, so everyone can access it. I have tried also with the “Course Attachments” extension and it is the exact same behaviour.
At this moment, I’m totally stuck with this, since I want to provide to the students of my course, some PDFs to download or to view in an embedded viewer, but I cannot do it without uploading the PDF file in a way that it is open to everyone with the link.
Thank you in advance,
]]>I contacted support and tried many many things, and despite all the lastests updates, this is still not solved !
We tried to deactivate all plugins (except for Woo Commerce wich is needed to make the thing turn on), and activate them one by one, but that doesn’t change anything…
What can we do to make it work again ???
]]>Is it also possible to have an account/profile section in the header/navigation, that shows the user’s profile picture (or initials if they don’t have a picture) and when hovering over it, it shows a dropdown menu with links to the different sections of the profile/account area? Like this image: https://i.imgur.com/K3I6pQS.jpg