.content-title span:before {
display: none;
.content-title span:before {
content: none;
span.content-title {
span {
.content-title span:before {
content: none;
#content-title span:before {
content: none;
This code does not work for disabling it on the element/content titles.
/*removing all arrows and triangles from Tripod*/
nav.main-menu > ul > li.selected:before, nav.main-menu > ul > li.active:before {
content: none;
content: none;
.sf-menu > li:hover > ul:before,
.sf-menu > li.sfHover > ul:before {
content: none;
nav.main-menu > ul > li:before {
content: none;
.widget h5.widget-title span:before {
content: none;
#reply-title span:before, #comments-title span:before, .related-title span:before {
content: none;
/*tripod menu arrows while active*/
nav.main-menu > ul > li.selected:before, nav.main-menu > ul > li.active:before {
content: none;}
/*tripod menu arrows while hover*/
nav.main-menu > ul.sf-menu li:hover:before, nav.main-menu > ul.sf-menu li.sfHover:before{
content: none;}
This worked for disabling it on the menu.
That doesn’t work. When I edit the HTML, just under inspect element in my browser, if I delete the span tags it works. Also, I want to center the text for the element labels. Go to the savor page to see. I want the savor to be on one line, and then a moment to be on the other, while remaining center. How can I do so? Thank you so much!
]]>Hope someone can help me with changing my Cart icon and size of the font:
I have a dynamic cart at the right top of my website, it comes with the theme.
I would like the text smaller as well as the items-icon (zero until you add items to basket.. it turns red and I would like it to run another colour).
Any ideas for a code I can use in the custom css section?
]]>I am new to WordPress and Woocommerce but with a lot of energy and passion I would like to customize my theme. I haven;t completely figured it out yet, but my main concern now is if my customization require a child theme so they won’t get lost during an update. Perhaps it will do to add CSS to the custom css file, hope someone can advice me!
My theme for my webshop is Tripod Photopraphy.
* Homepage *
I would like to use this homepage but change the hovers like on this webshop (on the homepage with cetagorie titles and on the category page with title and price of products), Maybe with a plugin?
* Shop *
Also the shop lay-out (categorie pages) need some customization:
– Productimages need a hover like above example, but with title and price in the hover over the image. Know the title and price are ‘under’ the image and I want people to see images only until they hoever over them.
– On the left side I want a sidebar with categories and subcategories.
* Alternative theme *
I have an alternative theme in mind: Rustik. I like this theme being so clean, but also this theme need some customization.
– Homepage masonry: I would like a masonry mosaic homepage like the Tripod theme, maybe with plugins? But.. will it be possible to add the hover I have in mind to this plugin?
– Homepage logo and menu: logo center top and menu under logo, also centered.
– Shop; the sidebar is already in the right place. The productimages need to get the hoven as above with the title and price in the hover over the images.
–> Do I need to make a child theme when I want to (let) customize either the Tripod or Rustik theme to my wishes?
–> Which theme would you suggest customizing with my wishes in mind? Which will take ‘less’ coding?
–> Dows somebody know a good but cheap way to let someone do this for me?
Hope someone can advice me, it will be much appriciated
Please help!!
]]>I am working with the Tripod Theme and wish to link the featured images seen on the home page to a URL and not to a gallery. Is there something that I can do in the code to allow this?
I cannot click “activate” in the plugins menu. Thank tripod for their evil frame scheme. I can load the admin pages by apending a “?” to the url
example this:
becomes this:
Please please tell me there’s a manual way to hack-tivate plugins on difficult hosts! What can be done with PHPmyadmin? Some null file I can upload?
I’m trying to hacktivate SpamKarma2 so that my blog won’t become easy pickings for spammers
thanks el mucho!