Love this plugin! Very simple!
However, I am trying to style the trigger text title and have tried some of the methods in the documentation and this forum, but no joy.
I want to keep the noarrow trigclass, but also style the trigger text to match the link style of the page. I added the styles below to the Custom Style section in the plugin settings, but it doesn’t take:
.collapseomatic a {
color: #957f97!important;
text-decoration: none;
.collapseomatic a:hover {
color: #578786!important;
.collapseomatic a:active {
color: #578786!important;
Can I add more than one trigclass? Or combine the noarrow class with other styles? I also tried adding the above with .noarrow thinking that might add to the noarrow class, but that didn’t work.
Thank you for your help!
]]>I am a newbie for both WP and Collapse-O-Matic. After seeing what Collapse-O-Matic can do, I am quite impressed. However, I met a problem and hope this nice community can help me.
Since there are keyword in the trigger text title I’d like to put an external link on it. I’ve tried this:
[expand title=”link text“]Target Content[/expand]
but the link text doesn’t show up. I know clicking on the link text is supposed to expand it. I am wondering if it is possible to do this:
1. only click the arrow to expand
2. click a hyperlinked text and go to external website.
I can only think of a workaround: put the link at the top of “Target content” and make it visible all the time.
Thanks very much for any suggestion.
For my trigger text I have Read More but Show More is seen. Also text is displaying that I have in the hidden content and should not be displayed.
I’ve taken over the webiste and am still learning wordpress. I would appreciate any advice on the direction I should be going to resolve this.
The page is id is :
Thank you
]]>I want to move the arrows to the right of the trigger-text. I checked documentation, added the trigclass “arrowright” but the it makes the trigger text disappear! You can check this here
Thank you!