Please let me know if I can setup and use this transactional SMTP service for my website.
Thanks, Danijel
]]>Easy, logical, not too much, just what we needed.
]]>I found out that the problem is this line I have in my functions file which helps process orders fast:
add_filter( 'woocommerce_defer_transactional_emails', '__return_true' );
When I remove this, the emails resume properly.
Can this be looked at? I would like to use it again to have checkout be faster.
]]>test1@domain and test2@domain added as subscribers in Mailchimp Audience
test1@domain and test2@domain are registered in woocommerce as users
test1@domain is manually set as subscriber in woocommerce (user detail page, in the bottom part there is a checkbox set there by the plugin)
test2@domain is not subscriber in woocommerce
test1 made a purchase not checkin the newsletter box
test2 made a purchase not checkin the newsletter box
This should definitely not happen, right?
Since I got over 1k of only transactional users which where subscribers in the first place.
Let me know what can I tell you to debug it better.
Sorry if this has been discussed elsewhere, I searched for a while but could not find anything to help me.
I have created an offline webapp which takes orders at outdoor exhibitions and then later when internet is available, submits them to a database and then a PHP script uses the WooCommerce API to add the orders to the shop. We have a field to log if the user wants to join the mailing list. How can I submit an order via the WooCommerce API and indicate that the user wants to join the mailing list? Up to now all these people on our Mailchimp account are marked as transactional only. Also, how can I mark these existing transactional only as subscribed on Mailchimp? I tried re-importing them via CSV as subscribed but they’re still marked as transactional only.
Thank you for your help
The transactional emails that woocommerce sends have text contents in them that I am unable to see and unable to edit.
Please, help
]]>My name is David and I am setting up a webshop. For all my mails I use sendinblue as my mailing proverider and I sell my products through woocommerce.
Almost everything is ready to go for me to go live but there is one big error that I need to get rid of before I can start and that is my transactional emails.
When I send an email confirmation mail through an email automation, with a mail I designed, every place holder works good except the shipping address placeholder.
So once someone orders something they receive an purchase confirmation mail with once again alle the info about the product they bought but also the shipping address the product is shipped towards.
For this I use a placeholder but it seems incorrect and I can not find the correct one to use.
For the shipping address I type in : {SHIPPING_ADDRESS_1}
This one does not seem to work and I also contacted the sendinblue helpdesk but they said this was the correct one.
I thought maybe the placeholders that are needed are designed by woocommerce, so does someone here knows which placeholder works for transactional mails from purchases in woocommerce?
I am really lost and for the past couple of days I was trying to fix this with no good result so I really hope someone can help me haha.
Thank you so much in advance,
However, after a customer makes a purchase, none of these emails are being sent. Can you please advise?
In addition, how can I create a custom email notification?
Thank you