Thank you for your plugin, I entered API signatures or credentials from two different Paypal Accounts and I made two payment tests and I received twice the following message:
“This transaction cannot be processed. The merchant’s account is not able to process transactions.
(Transaction Error) something is wrong.”
I noticed this error after a customer tried to purchase a product on my site.. so, I called Paypal and they said that there is no problem or limitations in my Paypal accounts.. What do you think that could be the problem? I was using stripe for receiving credit card payments, but I wanted to use your plugin with Paypal for credit / debit card transactions.. unfortunately I don’t think this could be possible..
Thank you for your help,
]]>I tried 3 times this morning to pay for the $25 sample blank on your website and all 3 times after entering the credit card info correctly I got this message:
Something went wrong and payment could not be proceed. Please try again later. >>> CVV2 Mismatch: 15004-This transaction cannot be processed. Please enter a valid Credit Card Verification NumberThe CCV2 number I entered was correct all 3 times. You might need to straighten out a technical issue before I can go any further. Let me know when it is resolved.
I recently tested everything in the sandbox, and it seemed to be functioning error-free. I’m doing some checking right now. However, if you recognize this problem, and can help me shorten the pursuit of a solution, I’m all ears. Thanks!
]]>I have an SSL certificate installed, and everything else is going well, but I have this error on the back end: PayPal-Pro gateway requires SSL certificate for better security. The force SSL option is disabled on your site. Please ensure your server has a valid SSL certificate so you can enable the SSL option on your checkout page.
And when I try to check out I get this error on the front end: This transaction cannot be processed due to an invalid merchant configuration.
(Transaction Error) something is wrong.
I know the SSL certificate is working because I checked it with an SSL checker and it shows the “https” in the URL address bar.
I even installed a plugin called WP Force SSL to fix the problem, but nothing changed. I still get the same error messages.
What should I do?
Thank you!!
]]>I did this: Paypal seems to work when buying but when I use a credit card I get an error message without fail.
I expected WPeCommerce to do this: Take the credit info and send money.
Instead it did this:
]]>I have a problem which was noticed a year ago but nobody posted a solution for it.
When I set Sandbox mode for paypal gateway user can buy a package and transaction information shows everything like it should be. When I turn off Sandbox mode user can buy package but on transaction page User ID is always 0. I’ve found a piece of code on paypal.php:
if ( $verified || $this->test_mode ) {
$data = array(
'user_id' => get_current_user_id(),
'status' => 'completed',
'cost' => $postdata['mc_gross'],
'post_id' => $post_id,
'pack_id' => $pack_id,
'payer_first_name' => $postdata['first_name'],
'payer_last_name' => $postdata['last_name'],
'payer_email' => $postdata['payer_email'],
'payment_type' => 'Paypal',
'payer_address' => $postdata['residence_country'],
'transaction_id' => $postdata['txn_id'],
'created' => current_time( 'mysql' )
WPUF_Payment::insert_payment( $data, $postdata['txn_id'] );
When I change “get_current_user_id()” into “‘6′” it works great. I’ve also tried to use global $current_user but it doesn’t work.
Can anybody knows solution for this?