I’m having trouble translating the H6 headings within the .activity-card-head
class in my activity feed into French. I’ve translated the theme 100% using Loco Translate, but it hasn’t changed anything.
I can’t seem to locate the file to directly modify the words.
Has anyone encountered this issue before?
Thanks to anyone who can help!
I’m French and I’m working on a website. As the topic of my website is a rental foosball service, I used the free plugin “YITH Request a Quote for WooCommerce“.
The plugin is doing exactly what I want but the problem is that the text the “Request Form” is in english while my target audience is french. Is it possible to change the text/page of the request form, to translate it in french ?
1.- Inside settings account on the tabs “billing address” and “shipping address”. The titles of the forms aren’t translated
For Example: “Billing” or “Shipping”
Where i can translate it?
2.-Inside settings tabs on the “Delete account”, there is a text inside a pg-alert-info, this is the code <?php echo wp_kses_post($dbhandler->get_global_option_value(‘pm_account_deletion_alert_text’, esc_html__(‘Are you sure you want to delete your account? This will erase all of your account data from the site. To delete your account enter your password below’,’profilegrid-user-profiles-groups-and-communities’)));?>
Where i can translate it?
3.- In the login page, the error text for validation aren’t translated, that errors are printed with the $pm_error variable. Example: ‘You entered incorrect password. Please try again or click on “Forgot Password”’
Where i can translate it?
4.- In the profile complete bar, there is a text “Profile is?100%?Complete”
Where i can translate it?
]]>Thank you!
]]>Est ce que quelqu’un aurais une solution s’il vous plait ?
]]>Comment traduire les rubriques du compteur qui sont en anglais, je voudrais les mettre en fran?ais, où cela se passe t-il ?