Until recently, typically in settings there’s a place to paste in the tracking ID. On 2 new accounts, there’s no box to enter the ID number.
When I click on the settings the only thing available are 2 checkboxes with the following options.
`Data Sharing Opt-in
Check the box to help us improve the Web Stories plugin by allowing tracking of product usage stats. All data are treated in accordance with Google Privacy Policy.
Video Optimization
Automatically optimize videos used in Web Stories. We recommend enabling this feature. Video files that are too large or have an unsupported format (like .mov) will otherwise not display properly.`
What am I missing? Thank you for any insight into this “issue” I’m seeing.
]]>Due to the release of the new google analytics 4 I tried to change the tracking ID in the Complianz-Wizard, but it seems to be impossible.
I tried to reset everything to default, but one thing was still saved by complianz and that was the old tracking ID from Universal Analytics.
How can I somehow change my tracking ID in the compliance wizard so I can analyze the website with the new google analytics 4 instead of the old and shabby universal analytics tracking tool.
kind regards
Raudebert from sunny south-germany
Leider bleibt dort auch unsere Frage unbeantwortet:
Wie k?nnen wir die DHL Tracking ID automatisch auslesen und an den Kunden übermitteln? Mitbewerber bieten entsprechende L?sungen bereits an.
Leider kommen wir mit Germanized nicht weiter. Entweder gibt es Probleme (siehe auch Beitrag oben) ohne L?sungen/Feedback, oder die L?sung ist sowas von “manuell”, dass damit kein Onlineshop Betreiber t?glich 50 oder 100 oder gar noch mehr Bestellungen abarbeiten kann.
Die Doku zu diesem Thema ist uns und dem Agentur Entwickler Team ausreichend bekannt. Deshalb der Weg ins Forum. Wie habt ihr das Problem gel?st? Das Anliegen stellt ja keinen gro?en “Sonderwunsch” da, sondern bildet eher das allgemeine Tagesgesch?ft ab.
über ein Feedback würde ich mich sehr freune.
]]>I’ve read https://daan.dev/wordpress/difference-analyics-gtag-ga-js/ and other support requests, but I don’t know how to do, my website traffic is not visible.
I just created a new GA property, and no way to get a UA-XXXXXXX code, I just have a G-XXXXXXX ID. I see this ID in GA “parameters > Account > Property > Data > Web Flow details > Global site tag”.
So in CAOS settings I changed the file to download from analytics.js to gtag.js but I see no change : no traffic.
In “GA parameters > Account > Property > Property parameters” : There is also in the top-right corner an ID property.
=> Would this ID be the UA-XXXXXXX tracking ID ?
=> To be used with analytics.js file ?
Thank you for your help,
I got this message from the analytics settings:
Error: We’ve detected there’s already an existing Analytics tag on your site (ID UA-135882900-1), but your account doesn’t seem to have access to this Analytics property. You can either remove the existing tag and connect to a different account, or request access to this property from your team.
When I look at the source code I can see my ID, but I can’t see the ID mentioned above.
Also my conversions tracking stop working, I received four orders today and they are not showing in the analytics.
How can I remove this ID? And why is it showing? since I didn’t add it.
Thank you,
]]>I wonder about “external product” links not redirecting the browser to the external site with a tracking id inserted in the GET URL. Rather a situation where Woocommerce uses REST API to send the order placement to the external site and gets back a response then displayed to the user who thus never left the Woocommerce-using site.
Is there any usable hook and variable to use in an add_filter() plugin one adds to WordPress to adjust the tracking ID that will enable the external site to pay a commission to the Woocommerce-using WordPress site?
]]>I have different landing pages for different countries in one WP installation. Can I use different use different tracking ids on the different pages with this plugin?
Thanks a lot
which will display shipment information (provider, number, date, link).
Their docs show [woo_mb_order_meta-tracking_id] but that does not work. Someone here familiar with getting tracking id to show in emails?