I have no problem naming the custom post type column ‘csv_post_type’ as you might expect but I tried ‘taxonomy-product-category’ or ‘csv_ctax_product-category’ or just ‘product-category’ and none of them import. I also tried just calling it Product Categories and again, same deal. Doesn’t import.
The name of this taxonomy is Product Categories with the singular being Product Category and the slug being the aforementioned product-category.
So what would work to get this import to completely succeed?
]]><script type="text/javascript" src="https://icpkp.com/wp-content/plugins/honeypot/includes/js/wpa.js?ver=2.1.14" id="wpascript-js"></script>
Is there a step I’m missing to get this set up?
]]>This of course does not work with many Gutenberg elements such as tabs, accordions and many others. This would be a hugely helpful addition.
]]>Is it possible to use the shortcode [ratemypost id=”post id here″]
]]>I’ve taken over control of our website from the developer and noticed their is a unregistered version of the Toolset plugin used. I would like to replace this plugin for a free version.
Can I deactivate/delete the plugin without losing the design of the current pages?
– experimented a bit with different hooks, priority, and single/plural CPT slugs and titles.
Not showing in IDE.
The possible issue may be that I can’t find that hook using query monitor on the any post from the CPT I want to hook into. Please tell me there is a simple work around. I don’t want to have to get too hacky with Toolset, it’s very old, very outdated, and we’re planning drop it in the next phase of updates, but if I can use it right now it will save me a ton of work.
]]>I’ve attached the code I have written to this post. Any insight on how I could accomplish populating that input field based on which post is chosen for quick edit would be incredible!
Here is my ‘functions.php’ file
add_post_type_support( 'page', 'excerpt' );
function wpdocs_theme_add_editor_styles() {
add_editor_style( 'editor-style.css' );
add_action( 'admin_init', 'wpdocs_theme_add_editor_styles' );
add_action('quick_edit_custom_box', 'quick_edit_fields', 10, 2);
function quick_edit_fields( $column_name, $post_type){
switch ( $column_name ){
case 'wpcf-post-order': {
$post_id_test = get_the_ID(); // getting the post id
$order_value = get_post_meta($post_id_test,'wpcf-post-order',true); // returning custom 'Post Order' data point
<fieldset class='inline-edit-col-left'>
<div class='inline-edit-col'>
<input type='number' name='order' value='<?php echo $order_value ?>'> Post Order
$post_id_test = NULL;
add_action('save_post', 'quick_edit_save');
function quick_edit_save($post_id){
if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_inline_edit'], 'inlineeditnonce')){
$order = ! empty($_POST['order']) ? absint($_POST['order']) : 0;
update_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-post-order', $order);
Please let me know if I can provide any clarification regarding the code or my desired outcome!
]]>I’m experiencing technical issues with WP Offload Media and Toolset plugin dynamic gallery block. All original sized images are served from the Amazon S3 bucket correctly with no problem with image and gallery blocks. But resized images for the thumbnails are not shown so I use the original images as thumbnails in the gallery but this makes the pages load slower.
Is there a work around? Can you create an integration for the compatibility issue of Toolset plugin? At least can you check this one? Because many Toolset users complain about this issue.
]]>Included authority and item-authority (relationship) in the post types and saved. Created the index.
Changed custom fields to some and included all custom fields from Item and all custom fields from Authority:
wpcf-amount-of-digitised-material, wpcf-archdiocese-digitisation-project-no, wpcf-begin-year, wpcf-box-no, wpcf-country, wpcf-creator, wpcf-end-year, wpcf-extent-of-record, wpcf-features, wpcf-hmml-project-no, wpcf-inventory-no, wpcf-inventory-title, wpcf-notes, wpcf-related-material, wpcf-scope-and-content, wpcf-shelf-location, wpcf-supplied-title, wpcf-authority-name, wpcf-biography-information, wpcf-events-highlights, wpcf-range, wpcf-related-corporate-body, wpcf-related-geographic-places, wpcf-related-person, wpcf-variants, wpcf-reference
All these fields have Include in search tickbox selected.
I included a search box In the Archive of Item where it has to gather data from Title, body and custom fields. It is currently working for Item search fields but not for the related Authority records.