When I enable Token Based Spam Protection the forms do not work. When one tries to send it, it always say something like: ‘the form could not be sent due to suspicious activity’. We didn’t receive any contact form for a couple of days, good thing one of our website visitors told us our forms didn’t work.
We obviously disabled the token spam protection now. You guys should check on this, it made us lost potential clients, so this is not good.
Do you have another option against spam without having to install another plugin?
Thank you in advance,
]]>Attempt to assign property “token” on null in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/comment-notifier-no-spammers/comment-notifier-no-spammers.php:256
is there a way to make sure that when using spreadsheet integration with calculated forms … that the token connected to google would last for over a month instead of couple days? It is important to us, that it would not randomly expire during running of the form.
Thank you
]]>Some months ago I set up a JWT token authentication for posting new posts in my wordpress. It was working successfully until I moved my site to a WordPress multisite.
The token is being created correctly but when I fetch REST API to POST to a post type, I get this error:
POST https://xxxxxx.xxx/wp-json/wp/v2/dashboard 401 (Unauthorized)
Searching about it in your docs and found this 401 error that seems similar to mine but headers are being sent and I see nothing in my server logs.
I also tried to add this piece of code to my htaccess apache server but nothing seems to happen:
Img link
Do you have any other idea about how to proceed on this? No idea why this is happening in my multisite wordpress :/
]]>I am a bit confused by the documentation, you refer to a token which seems to be a Bearer token Authorization by the looks of the image, but when you create the API key, it’s a consumer secret/key which seems to be a base64 (Basic auth).
Could you provide more details? Thank you.
]]>I have some users that don’t want to use their own personal devices for OTP authentication, so I have started to look into hardware OTP Token devices.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to use Hardware Tokens (https://www.microcosm.com/it-security-hardware/oath-otp-authentication-tokens) that generate 6 digit OTP codes with WordPress “I have the C200 TOTP Token”, I also have the seed for the token (which is hardware encoded) but can’t seem to find an up to date plugin that will work with this type of device. I have found a very old plugin (https://www.token2.com/shop/page/token2-hardware-tokens-plugin-for-wordpress) that hasn’t been updated for for a very long time. Is there a way I can add my secret to WordPress database? or is there a better solution / plugin.
Hoping someone out there has had or has had a similar experience with this type of problem. Could this be added to WordPress in a future release?
]]>The key was found to be exposed to the public online, in the HTML of?mywebsitehere.com. As a precaution, we have disabled the key and we do not recommend generating a new API key at this time.?
MailChimp security team
I am guessing the plugin is not supposed to expose the key directly, or maybe MailChimp requirements changed.
I am not sure this plugin is being actively maintained anymore.
]]>Clicking “Connect Account” opens Instagram to connect the account, but the account isn’t properly connected in the plugin afterwards (see screenshot below / https://ibb.co/4Sjjd19)
Using the token generator doesn’t work either as there is no token displayed after granting permissions (see screenshot below / https://ibb.co/B2QJgH2). After granting access the app is listed in the accounts access section, so a token was generated, but the token generator doesn’t seem to display it and the account name properly.
The account I’m trying to connect is a professional / creator account with the category “Youth Organisation”.