Hi TML Team,
I have enabled SMS OTP for administrators(user role) in default wp-login page and TOTP for subscribers(user role) in the "TML Login" page.
Now, I don't want the TML to disable the default WordPress Login page and Reset Password page. Is that possible?
Moreover, is it possible that only subscribers(user role) will be able to reset their password using the "TML Lost Password" page? [e.g.: No action will be taken if the submitted user level is above "subscriber".]
Thank you!
- Rajon Ahmed
]]>for some days (or weeks) my tables were no longer showing.
Then i added this to custom css:
.supsystic-tables-wrap {visibility: inherit !important;}
This makes the tables showing but the boarders are just white (no styling as before).
Even custom styling like here https://puu.sh/G1GP3/f323af71a2.png is not working.
Then i found out that if i deactivate wp-rocket plugin it is showing. So what can i do?
Thanks for your help
]]>Please can some provide any suggestions? It was working fine when I was using the standard login page which comes along with TML
]]>Thanks and best regards
I have added a theme-my-login-custom.php file to the plugins root to remove some unnecessary form fields (one of which is the ‘pass2’ field). I have also made a change to the ‘tml_profiles_action_handler’ function in the functions.php file in the tml-profiles directory to push the user to a specific page upon submitting the form.
I initially thought it could be due to the password fields not being validated but having added the pass2 field back to the form it still doesn’t work.
Any ideas what this might be?
]]>Our website has been live for about 4 months. We’ve had a bit of feedback from users and one of the issues is that there is no error code when logging in and entering the wrong password or user name. I have tried a few recommendations online.
-Wordfence and Theme my login contradicting each other. I have deactivated WF and tried logging in. The only thing that changed was that the login page reloaded (implying wrong login information but no information).
-Deactivating the 2FA login on WF, no change.
-Adding codes in login.php, function.php, they didnt work so I removed them.
I havent tried deactivating the TML plugin yet. I am worried information will be lost and I wont know how to fix it. I know the webpage is always being backed up on the Siteground and WP, still nervous.
If there are any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
]]>A question regarding tmlajax.js located here:
This file loads in every single page of my website.
Even though I’m using 2FA only in the WordPress login page – in order to log into my account.
Is this behaviour necessary?
Could you make this .js load only in the page where it’s needed?
This is for page load time and performance purposes.
Thank you,