[siblings title_li=”<h2>Related entries</h2>” exclude=”current”]
Puts title inside a bullet list. Creates funky code like this.
<ul class="page-list siblings-page-list ">
<li class="pagenav"><h2>Related entries</h2>
<li class="page_item page-item-29584"><a href="https://www.cooksinfo.com/bandon-vale-cheddar-cheese">Bandon Vale Cheddar Cheese</a></li>
<li class="page_item page-item-29585"><a href="https://www.cooksinfo.com/canadian-cheddar-cheese">Canadian Cheddar Cheese</a></li>
I’m gonna try to get rid of the H2 inside a bullet point using css, so just fyi.
to display a list of categories in my sidebar. I’ve changed the title_li
parameter to an <h2>
heading to match my site’s other widget titles.
This is the HTML output as it is currently formatted:
<div class="text-widget">
<h2 class="widget-title">Category List Title</h2>
<li>category 1</li>
<li>category 2</li>
I would like to change it to the following structure:
<div class="text-widget">
<h2 class="widget-title">Category List Title</h2>
<li>category 1</li>
<li>category 2</li>
]]>I have a problem and I think its pretty hard to fix. But maybe you guys know a good way, there must be one becouse there are websites who use this.
My goal: Having a nice horizontal menu
my website: https://web-bart.nl/wordpress
my problem: Like you’ve maybe seen on the website, I have a horizontal menu. This was not very hard to make, and is not the problem. But the problem is that the title is called in the center of the menu. It is showed like pagina’s.
I’vs had found a function to fix this. But it gives a result that I dont realy like. Here is a overvieuw to see what what shows:
wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order & title_li=''');
here I have 4 single quotes in 1 line, and the browser doesn’t understand this.
wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order & title_li=('')')
Here are again 4 single quotes but in parentheses (shouldn’t know whats the name of this character in englisch)
wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order & title_li=');
Here my whole lay-out is mashed up. The lay-out of the menu is gone. The menu-items are listen (vertical).
wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order & title_li=""');
This is almost exactly the option what I’m looking for. Only here are the double quotations printed. And the dot in front of the title is still visable.
wp_list_pages('sort_column=menu_order & title_li=" "');
I was thinking, lets try it with a space in it. But this mashed up my menu totaly. The menu-background are connected with all other menu- items, with stripes to be exact. And the menu is putted up. But the menu is readable, the links works, and the dot and title are gone. But there must be a way to make this more nice.
Do someone of you developers know how to fix this?
Kind regards,
P.s Maybe this is too much information, maybe too little. But I dont know what information you need.
]]>I wanted to have 2 dropdowns with links – In someone else’s eyes (Links category 3) and recommended sites (Links category 8)
<li class="drop"><span>In someone else's eye</span>
<?php wp_list_bookmarks('category=3&orderby=name&show_images=0&show_description=0&show_name=0&depth=-1&title_before=&title_after='); ?>
<li class="drop"><span>Recommended sites</span>
<?php wp_list_bookmarks('category=8&depth=-1&title_li='); ?>
What I want to achieve is that the name ‘recommended sites’ or ‘in someone else’s eyes’ is not duplicated and shown again right below the dropdown. Unfortunately I read in codex that title_li=0 does not work if you have categorized turned on – and I do.
Is there any way I can hide the title if I want to keep 2 separate dropdowns for 2 link categories ?
Please help
]]><?php wp_list_bookmarks('title_li=&category=3'); ?>
Can anyone help?
]]>I want to remove the character “>” from my Category menu in my left sidebar.
Please check the menu link at https://www.loungepk.com
Thanks in Advance for all the help guys.. really need it
]]>wp_list_pages ('title_li=<h3>'._('prices and places').'</h3>&child_of='.$post->ID);
works but
wp_list_pages ('title_li=<h3>'._('prices & places').'</h3>&child_of='.$post->ID);
breaks. I’ve tried replacing the ‘&’ with ‘&:’ and ‘&’ but no joy.
Does anyone know what I’m doing wrong?
]]>So when I check my Category nav, there’s an extra border line that begins at the top of the category listing where the category title would normally be.
I’ve done the basic ‘title_li=’ to make it an empty string. It might be a bit confusing to understand but I’m hoping someone can help me with this. I’m currently working locally but I will make it live soon so you guys can see the problem directly.
Thanks in advance.
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>I'm online</h2>&child_of=3&depth=1' ); ?>
<?php wp_list_pages('title_li=<h2>Répétition</h2>&child_of=3&depth=1' ); ?>
I’m fairly new to this but after using this page as a reference:
I literally copy the code into my sidebar.php, that they say will hide it, yet its having no effect whatsoever. There must be something additional that is required.
Apologies if this is a repost, did a search and couldn’t find an exact answer to my question.