How can I resolve?
Thank you in advance,
Do the event slugs have to be events/event? Or can I customize to calendars/calendar?
My urls:
I did read online in another forum from a much older version if I have a blog category or even posts within it named events, it will not work, is that correct?
BTW: finding the solution in your documentation has been difficult and quite fruitless, you really need to reorganize that into a much more intuitive format…
I would like to upgrade to pro and the Eventbrite (does this have any API integration?) add-on, but getting the free version just functioning has been quite a hardship.
even for something a simple as the blog integration…
]]>The Borgen Project | Vistaar Finance: Supporting India’s Small …
More examples:’s+Small+…&rlz=1C1CHFX_enUS553US553&oq=The+Borgen+Project+%7C+Vistaar+Finance%3A+Supporting+India’s+Small+…&aqs=chrome..69i57.361j0j1&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
I want to remove the first part ” The Borgen Project”
I understand that Google will sometimes take posts and rename them if they are not up to their SEO standards. Is that what is happening here or does it have something to do with the SEO plugin I am using (Yoast) ? and what steps can I take to fix it?
Thank you
i also used seo plugin from yoast and although i never had problems with this for this theme it doesn’t work
for some reason every page has same title and no meta description. I entered all info in the fields necessary but nothing… also forced re-write doesn’t help
check out this page for example that is fully completed
i hope someone here knows what to do
i tred othe ttle tags in header, but nothing
]]>I have installed the SEO Ultimate plug-in as it was suggested somewhere, while it allows me to modify the description and title it does nothing to help my problem. I have tried the following code and it does do anything, it is what I have in there now.
[code moderated – please use the pastebin for any code over 10 lines]
I also tried this code, that came with the theme and nothing works.
<title><?php if (is_home () ) { bloginfo('name'); }elseif ( is_category() ) { single_cat_title(); echo ' - ' ; bloginfo('name'); }
elseif (is_single() ) { single_post_title();}
elseif (is_page() ) { bloginfo('name'); echo ': '; single_post_title();}
else { wp_title('',true); } ?></title>
I am not sure what else to do. Can anyone help me?
]]>Thanks in advance