I just want some text in the slider, but I don’t need any background color on these text. How to set this?
]]>However, whenever I shrink my page to a mobile/tablet size, the default title background image (the pink one with the bokeh) turns back into my original pink/purple one.
Why is this? I want my new title header image to match on all devices.
Any coding help would be super appreciated! Thanks.
Side note: Any way to make the header image have less height on these other devices? It looks fine on desktop, but way too large on tablet/mobile.
]]>Putting a background image to other pages (not title background image) it lets the user to scroll all the way down until the image finishes, that’s what I want to do in front-page intro as well.
]]>Putting a background image to other pages (not title background image) it lets the user to scroll all the way down until the image finishes, that’s what I want to do in front-page intro as well.
]]>I’m trying to change the background color in the header of your theme.
As default the title is white and there is a black box around it. Behind this I’ve set an image via interface.
If I change the text’s color in the interface the black box disappear. Is this normal ?
]]><?php if ( get_background_image() ) : ?>
<div class="full_image">
<a href="<?php background_image(); ?>" target="_blank"><img src="<?php bloginfo( 'template_directory' ); ?>/img/full_image.png" /></a>
<p>fot. Miros?aw Grobelski<br />
Finalista konkursu “Pi?kno przyrody w Krainie Trzech Rzek”</p>
<?php endif; // End header image check. ?>
I want echo title or label or description background image
In wordpress documentation is only function get_background_image() and background_image(). How i get $id background image?
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